In the Field



Showing 28-36 of 45

A Burke Museum graduate student travels to Colombia to study the tropical diversity of river-weed plants.

Burke paleontologists travel to Antarctica to collect 250-million-year-old fossils from the Triassic period.

Burke Museum paleontologists discovered a T. rex in Montana, including a very complete skull.

How tiny fossilized plant particles in Costa Rica can be used to reconstruct past landscapes.

A Burke research team recently surveyed fruit bats living on the small island of Grenada.

Burke paleontologists collected the partial skull of what's likely a Columbian mammoth after it was found along an eroded bluff near Sequim.

Though the lizards may seem like a portal to a bygone era, their habitat and survival faces serious threats today.

Graduate student Ethan Linck reflects on his first scientific collecting trip with the Burke ornithology team.