


Showing 19-27 of 82

Brown recluse spider bites occur only in 15 states. Hundreds reported from other states and Canada are all false reports.

British media hype about "killer" false widow spiders is irresponsible and wildly exaggerated; the rare bites are mostly just painful.

Real spider fang punctures in human skin are hardly ever visible to the naked eye. If you have two visible marks, that doesn't mean a spider bite!

"Daddy-longlegs" (meaningless term for any long-legged arthropod) do not have super-powerful venom, but no (or very weak) venom.

Very widespread and persistent legends of spider eggs hatching under human skin, contradict all we know of spider behavior and abilities.

In a 20th century legend, spider eggs hatched inside a bouffant hair-do. Not consistent with known spider behavior.

Spiders sent for ID in an envelope (even if padded) are likely to arrive powdered! Send it in a rigid container, preferably in alcohol.

If spiders drink from mouths or eyes of sleeping humans, there is no physical or eyewitness evidence of it.

Do you swallow live spiders in your sleep? There's no evidence of it — no specimens, no eyewitness accounts, nothing!