Animals at the Woodland Park Zoo |

Golden lion tamarin
Why do you think they call these small monkeys golden lions? It's because of the yellowish-orange hair around their faces that looks a little like a lion's mane. Golden lion tamarin babies like to ride on their parents' backs (like a piggy-back ride!). Only about 600 golden lion tamarins live in the wild in Brazil. Woodland Park Zoo has raised and sent some of our tamarins to live there, too.
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |
Click here to learn more about animals at Woodland Park Zoo! |
Check out the Burke
Museum's Mammals of Washington for more information on animals in Washington.
Want to learn more? King County Library System has the following books available with MORE about wildlife photography, animals, and the wild!
King County Library System has books available on the following topics:
Wildlife Photography
African Wildlife: A photographic safari
Stephen J. Krasemann, Barbara Bach
591.96 KRA
James Balog
778.932 BAL
Denali: The wild beauty of Denali National Park
Erwin and Peggy Bauer
508.7983 BAU
Desert Water
Mark Lisk & William Fox
779.367809 LIS
Early Wildlife Photographers
C. A. W. Guggisberg
Eye to Eye: Intimate encounters with the animal world
Frans Lanting
778.932 LAN
The Kingdom: Wildlife in North America
Art Wolfe, Douglas Chadwick
In the Lion's Den
Mitsuaki Iwago
599.74428 IWA
Magnificent Moments: The world's greatest wildlife photographs
George H. Harrison
778.932 MAG
National Geographic Photo Gallery
National Geographic: The wildlife photographs
John G. Mitchell
779.32 MIT
Natural Visions: The power of images in American environmental reform
Finis Dunaway
333.720973 DUN
On this Earth: Photographs from East Africa
Nick Brandt
779.320967 BRA
Our National Parks: Celebrating America's natural splendor
Life Books
917.3 OUR
Portrait of Alaska's Wildlife
Tom Walker
591.9798 WAL
Survivors: A new vision of endangered wildlife
James Balog
The Ultimate African Wildlife
Nigel Dennis, Brian Johnson Barker
591.96 DEN
Steve Bloom
779.32092 BLO
Wildlife: The world's top photographers and the stories behind their greatest images Terry Hope
770.922 HOP
Mitsuaki Iwago
778.932 IWA
Urban Wildlife
Central Park
Bruce Davidson
779.997471 DAV
City Safaris: A Sierra Club explorer's guide to urban adventures for grownups and kids
Carolyn Shaffer and Erica Fielder
Squirrel Wars: And how to win them [videorecording]
Harrison Productions and Maslowski Wildlife Productions
DVD 635.926936 SQU
Photography: Guides and Techniques
The Art of Outdoor Photography: techniques for the advanced amateur and professional
Boyd Norton
778.71 NOR 2001
The Beginner's Guide to Pinhole Photography
Jim Shull
771 SHU
Being a Photographer
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
770.92 ART
Careers for Shutterbugs & Other Candid Types
Cheryl McLean
770.232 MCL 2003
Designing Wildlife Photographs
Joe McDonald
778.932 MCD
Digital Photography Outdoors: A field guide for travel and adventure photographers
James Martin
775 MAR
Living Planet: Preserving edens of the earth
Frans Lanting, Galen Rowell & David Doubilet
508 LAN
The Master Guide for Wildlife Photographers
Bill Silleker
778.932 SIL
Moose Peterson's Guide to Wildlife Photography: Conventional & digital techniques
B. Moose Peterson
778.932 PET 2003
National Park Photography
Tim Fitzharris
778.93 FIT
Nature Photography: Learning from a master
Gilles Martin
778.93 MAR
Nature photography: National Audubon Society guide
Tim Fitzharris
778.93 FIT
Nature and Wildlife Photography: A practical guide to how to shoot and sell
Susan McCartney
778.93 MCC
Nikon School Presents Masters of Wildlife [videorecording].
VT 778.93 NIK
Photographing Animals in the Wild
Andy Rouse
778.932 ROU
Photographing Children in Black & White
Helen T. Boursier
778.925 BOU
Photographing Your Garden
Gail Harland
778.99635 HAR
The Photography Book
Ian Jeffrey
779 PHO
Photography for the Naturalist
Mark Lucock
778.93 LUC
Photography Outdoors: A field guide for travel and adventure photographers
Mark Gardner, Art Wolfe
778.71 GAR 2002
The Professional Photographer's Guide to Shooting and Selling Nature and Wildlife Photos
Jim Zuckerman
Spirit of Place: The art of the traveling photographer
Bob Krist
778.991 KRI
The Ultimate Guide to Painting from Photographs
James Markle, Layne Vanover
751.4 ULT
The Wildlife Photographer's Field Manual: Capturing wildlife in photographs
Joe McDonald
Wildlife Photography: The art and technique of ten masters
Ann Guilfoyle, Susan Rayfield
The Wildlife Trusts Nature Photographer's Handbook
Ian Beames
778.93 BEA
Outdoor Guides
Day Hiker's Handbook: Get started with the experts
Michael Lanza
796.51 DAY
Watching Wildlife: Tips, gear, and great places for enjoying America's wild creatures
Mark Damian Duda
599.0973 DUD
For Young Adults
A Passion for Birds: Fifty years of photographing wildlife
Eric Hosking
YA 779.32
Bring 'em Back Alive! Capturing wildlife on home video: a guide for the whole family
Jim Arnosky
Y778.59 ARN
Secret Worlds: High-speed photographs
Stephen Dalton
Y779.3092 DAL
Wildlife Photographers: Life through a lens
Michael A. Sommers
Y778.932 SOM
For Kids and Families
Animal and Wildlife Photography
Jungle Jack Hanna's safari adventure
Jack Hanna and Rick A. Prebeg
E591.9676 HAN
Traveling Babies
Kathryn O. Galbraith
E591.39 GAL
Beavers: Where waters run
Paul Strong
J599.37 STR
Big Cats
John Bonnett Wexo
J599.75 WEX
Endangered Wetland Animals
Dave Taylor
Journey into the Rainforest
Tim Knight
J577.34 KNI
National Geographic Photography Guide for Kids
Neil Johnson
J771 JOH
Oxford First Book of Animals
Barbara Taylor
J590 TAY
Alan Buckingham
J770 BU
Think Like an Eagle: At work with a wildlife photographer
Kathryn Lasky
Watching nature: A beginner's field guide
Monica Russo
J508 RUS
Wildshots: The world of the wildlife photographer
Nathan Aaseng
J778.932023 AAS
Photography for Kids
First Photos: How kids can take great pictures
Art Evans
771 EVA
The Kids' Guide to Digital Photography: How to shoot, save, play with & print your digital photos
Jenni Bidner
J775 BID
Family Activities
City Safaris: A Sierra Club explorer's guide to urban adventures for grownups and kids
Carolyn Shaffer and Erica Fielder
Digital family Album Basics: Tools for creating digital memories
Janine Warner, Tom and Mindy McCain
006.686 WAR
Environment / Ecology
For Kids
Awesome Ocean Science! Investigating the secrets of the underwater world
Cindy A. Littlefield
J551.46 LIT
Children's Ecology Programs [videorecording]
Environmental Media NW
VT 363.7 CHI
City Kids & City Critters! Activities for urban explorers
Janet Wier Roberts
J577.56 ROB
Earth Book for Kids: Activities to help heal the environment
Linda Schwartz
Ecology Crafts for Kids: 50 great ways to make friends with planet earth
Bobbe Needham
J577 NEE
Ecology for Every Kid: Easy activities that make learning science fun
Janice Vancleave
J574.5078 VAN
The Sierra Club kid's guide to planet care and repair
Vicki McVey
J363.70525 MCV
Kids' Easy-to-create Wildlife Habitats: For small spaces in the city, suburbs & countryside
Emily Stetson
J639.92 STE
Nature Smart: Awesome projects to make with Mother Natures help
Gwen Diehn
J745.5 DIE
Slugs, Bugs, and Salamanders: Discovering animals in your garden
Sally Kneidel
J577.554 KNE