Woodland Park Zoo Animals
Learn more about some of the animals that live at Woodland Park Zoo.
Wow! Look at this jaguar's teeth! What do you think a jaguar would like more, lettuce or a steak? If you said steak, you'd be right! Jaguars in the wild eat things like peccaries (that's a kind of wild pig), monkeys, deer and other small animals. Unlike your cat at home, most jaguars like water and will swim to hunt for fish and snakes to eat.
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |
Golden lion tamarin
Why do you think they call these small monkeys golden lions? It's because of the yellowish-orange hair around their faces that looks a little like a lion's mane. Golden lion tamarin babies like to ride on their parents' backs (like a piggy-back ride!). Only about 600 golden lion tamarins live in the wild in Brazil . Woodland Park Zoo has raised and sent some of our tamarins to live there, too.
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |
Gray wolf
Do you think this wolf is cold? Probably not! Wolves are covered in thick fur that protects them from the cold. Wolves once roamed almost everywhere above the equator. The equator is the imaginary line that circles around the middle of the earth. But in the United States , gray wolves have been hunted to near extinction except in Alaska and small populations in Minnesota and Wisconsin . Some wolves are being released back into places where they used to live.
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |
African wild dog
Wild dogs are fast! You can tell from looking at this picture. They also like to hunt in groups. That makes it easier for them to ran after and catch their food, like gazelles and gnus. Unlike some other animals, they will also share their food with each other. Just like you do with your brother or sister!
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |
Western pond turtles
Isn't this little turtle cute? He was one of many that are raised every year at Woodland Park Zoo. 20 years ago, there were only about 100 of these turtles left in Washington state. But because we raise and release them back into protected ponds, there are now nearly 1,000!
(Photo by
Fred Housel) |
Humboldt penguins
Most people think that penguins only live in the cold and ice, but these penguins live on the coast of Chile and Peru on rocks where it's warm. Humboldt penguins have a body made to swim. Using their strong wings, they "fly" underwater, usually just below the surface, at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour and steer with their feet and tail.
(Photo by Ryan Hawk) |