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Photo: Cathy Morris/Burke Museum
Photo: Cathy Morris/Burke Museum

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Showing 271-279 of 306 articles

June 8, 2015

30 million years ago, the world lacked its grass-dominated environments, but 70 million years ago, grasses had not evolved—or so we think.

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June 7, 2015

Various bat species have different needs to survive, which can severely decrease their ability to cope with habitat fragmentation.

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June 2, 2015

Cory Fuavai researches Samoan objects from the Burke’s collection not only for his coursework, but also to become a matai chief.

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May 29, 2015

Megapodes cleverly harness environmental heat sources to incubate their eggs.

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May 29, 2015

Collector and photographer Bob Thomson’s affinity for spiders had a lasting impact on the Burke’s collections.

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May 27, 2015

Burke Museum paleontologist uses new laser-induced fluorescent techniques to uncover never-before-seen details on fossils.

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May 20, 2015

Washington's first dinosaur fossil gives insight into what the west coast was like 80 million years ago.

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April 29, 2015

Danny Shelton builds a stronger connection to his heritage while inspiring classmates to pursue their own cultural research.

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April 13, 2015

A chance encounter on a windy day leads to the discovery of a new spider habitat.

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