The Canoe as a Classroom

Canoes as a Form of Environmental Science

Exploring STEAM Throughout the Pacific

Knowledge Through Canoes


Childrens' Poster
Download Poster (PDF)

The Ongoing Brilliance of Canoe Culture


We Are Ocean People. We Are Future Ancestors.
Special thanks to Humanities WA, 4Culture, and Ellen Ferguson for supporting this project and the collaboration between students and community members.

Cultural significance of the canoe and its healing components
"...The canoe connects not only the people on the island, but the resources around them... From the trees to the water in the ocean, just everything being used to make this one vessel, and that to me is beautiful because a huge part of Pacific Island culture is its connection to their family, to their villages, and their connection to nature around them."
UW alum Tatyana Reuter shares more about the cultural Pacific Islander practice of canoe-making and the cultural connections students like Tatyana feel to this tradition.

Culture is Living
The Culture is Living gallery brings the expertise and knowledge of communities to the forefront.