Mammal Diversity

Evolution and function of mammal skulls

Where are the mammals?

Global mammal biogeography


This enormous northern continent bears the names of two continents, Europe and Asia. Like North America, its northern parts contain vast tundra and boreal forests, temperate grasslands and deciduous forests. Southern Europe holds both the transverse (east-west) mountain range, the Alps, south of which lies the semi–arid Mediterranean region. Asia’s lofty Himalayan Mountain region holds vast montane and alpine biota. To the south and east lie Asia’s tropics, which extend through archipelagos to the recent contacts made possible by the northward historic movement of Australia (over 50 million years) that brought it into proximity via New Guinea and the Indonesian Archipelagoes. Historic connections are also responsible for types of mammals that are shared with Africa as well.

Mammal Orders found in Eurasia:

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