Mammals of Washington: Chiroptera
order: Chiroptera
family: Vespertilionidae
- Pallid Bat
(Antrozous pallidus)
- Townsend's Big-eared Bat
(Corynorhinus townsendii)
- Big Brown Bat
(Eptesicus fuscus)
- Spotted Bat
(Euderma maculatum)
- Silver-haired Bat
(Lasionycteris noctivagans)
- Hoary Bat
(Lasiurus cinereus)
- California Myotis
(Myotis californicus)
- Western Small-footed Myotis
(Myotis ciliolabrum)
- Long-eared Myotis
(Myotis evotis)
- Keen's Myotis
(Myotis keenii)
- Little Brown Myotis
(Myotis lucifugus)
- Fringed Myotis
(Myotis thysanodes)
- Long-legged Myotis
(Myotis volans)
- Yuma Myotis
(Myotis yumanensis)
- Canyon Bat
(Parastrellus hesperus)
- Pallid Bat
family: Vespertilionidae

Pallid Bat
Antrozous pallidusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades
Washington Maps:
habitat: Cliffs and caves.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Large; beige above, white below; big ears. Total length: 10-13 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 28-37 g.
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Townsend's Big-eared Bat
Corynorhinus townsendiiOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Caves.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Large ears; pale gray or brown above, buff below. Total length: 9-11 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 9-12 g.
conservation: State Candidate; Federal Species of Concern.
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Big Brown Bat
Eptesicus fuscusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Photo by
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Large; brown above with paler belly. Total length: 10-13 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 13-18 g.
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Spotted Bat
Euderma maculatumOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Cliffs and canyons.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Black above with three large, white spots on back; large ears. Total length: 10-12 cm; tail: 4.5-5 cm.
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Silver-haired Bat
Lasionycteris noctivagansOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forested areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Nearly black with silvery-tipped hairs on back. Total length: 9-11 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 9-15 g.
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Hoary Bat
Lasiurus cinereusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Light brown above; throat buff; tips of hair frosted white. Total length: 10-15 cm; tail: 4-7 cm; mass: 20-35 g.
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California Myotis
Myotis californicusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Brown with orangish cast above, paler below. Total length: 7-9 cm; tail: 3-4 cm.
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Western Small-footed Myotis
Myotis ciliolabrumOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Rocky areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Tan to golden brown above, buff to nearly white below; black ears and mask. Total length: 7-8 cm; tail: 3-4 cm; mass: 6-9 g.
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Long-eared Myotis
Myotis evotisOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Light brown; ears dark and longer than in any other myotis. Total length: 8-10 cm; tail: 4-5 cm.
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Keen's Myotis
Myotis keeniiOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Olympic Peninsula.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Densely forested areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Brown above; belly paler and slightly yellowish. Total length: 8-9 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 5-10 g.
conservation: State Candidate
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Little Brown Myotis
Myotis lucifugusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
diet: Small insects.
identification: Glossy brown above, buff below. Total length: 80-93 mm; tail: 30-40 mm; mass: 4-14 g.
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Fringed Myotis
Myotis thysanodesOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Eastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forested areas.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Reddish-brown above; fringe of hairs on back edge of wing membrane. Total length: 8-10 cm; tail: 3-4 cm.
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Long-legged Myotis
Myotis volansOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forested areas.
diet: Insectivore.
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Yuma Myotis
Myotis yumanensisOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Found near water.
diet: Small insects.
identification: Lighter below; throat sometimes whitish. Total length: 85-100 mm; tail: 30-45 mm; mass: 5-7 g.
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Canyon Bat
Parastrellus hesperusOrder Chiroptera, Family Vespertilionidae
Range in Washington: Columbia Basin.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Near water.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Smallest bat in the U.S.; light yellow to reddish-brown above, whitish below. Total length: 6-9 cm; tail: 2-3 cm; mass: 5-6 g.
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