order: Artiodactyla
family: Cervidae
- Elk
(Cervus elaphus)
- Moose
(Alces alces)
- Mule Deer / Black-tailed Deer
(Odocoileus hemionus)
- White-tailed Deer
(Odocoileus virginianus)
- Caribou
(Rangifer tarandus)
- Elk
family: Bovidae
- Mountain Goat
(Oreamnos americanus)
- Bighorn Sheep
(Ovis canadensis)
- Mountain Goat
family: Cervidae

Cervus elaphusOrder Artiodactyla, Family Cervidae
Photo by marj
General range: North America, Europe, Asia.
Range in Washington: Olympic Peninsula, Cascades, Blue Mountains.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forest and meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Large with thick neck, darker underparts. Total length: 2-3 m; tail: 8-20 cm; mass: 200-290 kg.

Alces alcesOrder Artiodactyla, Family Cervidae
Photo by Steve took
General range: North America, Europe, Asia.
Range in Washington: Northeastern corner of state; rare.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forest near water.
diet: Herbivore; some aquatic vegetation.
identification: Large head, palmate antlers. Total length: 2-3 m; tail: about 17 cm; mass: males 400-630 kg, females 315-500 kg.
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Mule Deer / Black-tailed Deer
Odocoileus hemionusOrder Artiodactyla, Family Cervidae
Range in Washington: Statewide. Two subspecies occur in washington. Mule deer are larger and associated with more open habitats in the east. Black-tailed deer are smaller and distributed in forested habitat in western Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Most habitats except sagebrush scrub.
diet: Herbivore; browse or graze depending on season.
identification: Antlers branch evenly, tail black above or tipped with black. Total length: 1.2-2 m; tail: 11-23 cm; mass: males 50-215 kg, females 32-70 kg.
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White-tailed Deer
Odocoileus virginianusOrder Artiodactyla, Family Cervidae
General range: North America south to central South America.
Range in Washington: Southwest and eastern parts of state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded areas, farmlands, brushy areas.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Antlers with one main beam with side branches, tail brown above and white below. Total length: 1.3-2 m; tail: 15-35 cm; mass: males 90-135 kg, females 65-115 kg.
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Rangifer tarandusOrder Artiodactyla, Family Cervidae
General range: North America, Europe, Asia.
Range in Washington: Northeast corner, rare.
habitat: Coniferous forest.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Both sexes have large antlers with many spikes pointing backward. Shaggy brown with whitish neck and mane, white belly, and rump. Fawns unspotted. Total length: 1.3-2 m; tail: 10-20 cm; mass: 125-270 kg.
conservation: State Endangered; Federal Endangered.
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Mountain Goat
Oreamnos americanusOrder Artiodactyla, Family Bovidae
Photo courtesy of the Woodland Park Zoo.
Range in Washington: Cascades. Introduced into Olympics. Mountains of the extreme northeast.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Alpine and subalpine slopes.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: White coat, black horns. Total length: 1.2-1.8 m; tail: 10-20 cm; mass: 45-135 kg.
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Bighorn Sheep
Ovis canadensisOrder Artiodactyla, Family Bovidae
Range in Washington: Cascades and east, uncommon. Some reintroductions.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Rocky areas with scattered trees.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Large, coiled horns. Total length: 1.6-1.9 m; tail: 10-15 cm; mass: 55-140 kg.