Research impact



Showing 1-9 of 98

A new study has found that sea otters are able to eat harder, larger prey and reduce tooth damage by using tools.

The paleontology collections have been busy with visiting researchers. Let's meet a few!

Meet Alex Acker, a recent visiting researcher who came to the Burke as part of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection Study Grant.

Meet Rebecca Strauch, a recent visiting researcher who came to the Burke as part of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection Study Grant.

Meet Paul Byrne, a recent visiting researcher who came to the Burke as part of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection Study Grant.

Learn more about research in the Burke malacology collections.

The Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Native Art at the Burke Museum will be welcoming 12 individuals and groups into the museum as a part of their Connections to Culture Visiting Researcher Grant.

The Núun ken’witnéewit (Our way of Weaving) artist family concluded their grant with a gifting ceremony at the Burke Museum.

The Burke Museum is excited to announce grant applications are open for Native artists to visit the museum’s cultural collections.