Tues., Oct. 23, 2007
7 pm
Seattle Town Hall, Grand Hall
Lecture: Wildlife Photographer Florian Schulz on Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam
German-born wildlife photographer Florian Schulz discusses his experiences photographing the Yellowstone to Yukon mountain ecosystem over 10 years in this Seattle Town Hall lecture and slide show. Schulz's photos, on display at the Burke Museum in Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam, capture not only the beauty and drama of North America's wild places, but also document the impact of human development on some of the last remaining continuous wild habitat on the continent. This talk is presented by the Burke Museum with support from The Mountaineer Books, Elliott Bay Book Company, and Seattle Town Hall.
Yellowstone to Yukon Discovery Tours
A High School Conservation Program at the Burke Museum
Offered Fall 2007
The Yellowstone to Yukon Discovery Tour will lead your students into the heart of this conservation issue and encourage them to form, express, and defend their conclusions. This tour is most appropriate for biology and environmental classes, but can be adapted for journalism, English, photography, or art. More...
Sat., June 16, 2007
10 am – 5 pm
Opening Day: Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam
Join the Burke Museum for the opening of its newest exhibit, Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam. This exhibit combines stunning wildlife photography by Florian Schulz with a compelling environmental issue—the need to protect the natural corridors that give wildlife the freedom to move through their traditional ranges and maintain healthy populations. Opening day will feature an update on the progress of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative by US Regional Director Penelope Pierce, as well as presentations by Conservation Northwest, the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition, and others on the effort to preserve local wildlife habitat and corridors. |
Mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus), Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Florian Schulz |