

Mountain Goat Wool Robe
Bill James and Fran James, Coast Salish (Lummi)
Mountain goat wool, sheep wool, 1988
Commissioned by the Burke Museum
Cat. No. 1988-84/1

Dogfish Robe
Robert Davidson and Dorothy Grant, Haida
Wool cloth, glass beads, shell buttons, 1985
Purchased with funds donated by John Putnam and Lawrence Christian
Cat. No. 1999-23/1

Nani Coat
Robert Davidson and Dorothy Grant, Haida
Wool cloth, 1991
Gift of Margaret B. Blackman
Cat. No. 2003-83/1

All My Ancestors Are Raven
William White, Tsimshian
Merino wool, fur, deer hooves, copper, 1999-2000
Gift of Arthur B. Steinman
Cat. No. 2004-2/103

Ravenstail Robe
Marie Oldfield, Haida/Tsimshian
Merino wool, sea otter fur, 2000-2002
Gift of Arthur B. Steinman
Cat. No. 2004-2/417

Damascus Three-Panel Robe
John Beard, Dawn DiGregorio, Dodie Gannett, Carol Griesmeyer, Eileen Jacobs, Alene Linehan, Fran Mazzara, Darlene Peters, Coast Salish (S’Klallam), Paula Sauvageau, Delores Schnitzer, Betty Swinkel, Shelly Tarbet Merino wool, fur, 1996-1998
Gift of the Damascus Ravenstail Weavers
Cat. No. 2005-124/1

Mourning Star
Robe Debra and Robyn Sparrow, Coast Salish (Musqueam)
Sheep wool, 2006
Commissioned by the Burke Museum
Cat. No. 2006-13/1

Salish Sunrise
Susan Pavel – Sa’hLa mitSa, Hawaiian
Mountain goat wool, wolf skin, 2004-2006
Purchased with funds donated by Lawrence Christian
Cat. No. 2006-169/1

Dogfish Robe
Robert Davidson and Dorothy Grant