Fast Facts
Where they live
- View a map of where they live
- Very rare and currently with populations at Black river and Conboy Lake
- Prefer marshes, wetlands, ponds, or other slow moving quiet water
- Breeding season is February-July depending on temperature and elevation
- Lay eggs in quiet, slow water
Cool Biology Facts
- Hibernates in winter up to a foot in the mud below water!
- Currently very threatened in Washington state, having disappeared from 70-90% of their range
- Highly aquatic, more so than any other Pacific Northwest frog
- Not very adaptable and do not do well with even slight changes to their environment
- Have severe declines in Washington state and breeding programs have been set up and have had moderate success in the reintroduction of the Oregon spotted frogs in a few areas.
- Main threats include nonnative species, including the bullfrog and introduced fish species and habitat loss and destruction.
- View their status on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Amphibians & Reptiles of Washington
Do you know where rattlesnakes live in our state? Or which salamander breathes through its skin? Explore the fascinating diversity of the 26 species of amphibians and 28 reptiles found in Washington state.