Northern Leopard Frog

Photo: Dennis Paulson
Photo: Dennis Paulson

Lithobates pipiens

What they look like

  • 5-11cm
  • Green to brown with dark spots that are surrounded by a halo of white
  • Underside is white as well as the stripe on their upper jaw
  • Have ridges that start behind eye and run down backs that can be lighter in color

All About Amphibians

Name: Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens)
Order: Frogs (Anura)
Family: True Frogs (Ranidae)

Fast Facts

Where they live

  • View a map of where they live
  • In Washington state current population and range is not known, it is thought that they used to be more widespread than last consensus.
  • Prefer slow, cold water with lots of plants.
  • Will use temporary or permanent water sources in meadows, woodland and marshes.
  • Do not stay in breeding areas when not breeding, can be found in undergrowth away from water.


  • Breeding season is March to June, depending on temperature and elevation.
  • Eggs are laid in tight masses and many frogs will lay their eggs together in calm shallow water.
  • Eggs can hatch in just a few days.

Cool Biology Facts

  • Hibernate in winter at bottom of ponds or streams either buried in sediment or under rocks or logs
  • In Canada leopard frogs were used in most biology classes at schools as dissection specimens
  • When picked up, can utter a very loud ‘scream’
  • If frightened they will often jump in a zigzag pattern to the closest water source and dive in.


  • Northern leopard frog populations were once widespread throughout the northern United States and Canada, but current populations are decreasing.
  • Main threats include introduced nonnative species and habitat loss.
  • View their status on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
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Amphibians & Reptiles of Washington

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