Cherry Blossom Activities
Date & Time
March 15 - April 15, 2023
This event is in the past.
Celebrate springtime magic!
UW is famous for the blossoming of cherry trees in the quad each spring. The main species of cherry blossom on campus is Somei-yoshino, with other varieties including Higan, Hisakura, Kwanzan, Mt. Fuji and Shirofugen.
At the Burke, enjoy tree-themed puzzles, books, and crafts in the Experience Alcoves. Spot the five hidden Huskies in the galleries to earn a special cherry blossom pin you can decorate and wear home! Free with regular admission while supplies last.
While the peak bloom is typically mid-March, it's all up to the cherry blossoms! Check the UW website for the latest campus cherry blossom updates.
Tips and resources to get the most out of your visit during cherry blossom season:
- Expect heavy congestion and limited parking. Save $4 per ticket to the Burke (up to four tickets) when you take public transit. Learn more.
- Follow the latest blossom news on the UW cherry blossom visitor site.
- Use the UW Cherry Tree Map to find your way around campus.
- View UW cherry blossoms from home using the quad’s live webcam.
- Use the Seattle Tree Map to find trees across the city.
- Celebrate the University District Cherry Blossom Festival with special food, drinks, and shopping.
- Take part or watch the Seattle Cherry Blossom Run.