order: Soricomorpha
family: Soricidae
- Pacific Water Shrew
(Sorex bendirii)
- Masked Shrew
(Sorex cinereus)
- Pygmy Shrew
(Sorex hoyi)
- Merriam's Shrew
(Sorex merriami)
- Dusky Shrew
(Sorex monticolus)
- Northern Water Shrew
(Sorex palustris)
- Preble's Shrew
(Sorex preblei)
- Olympic Shrew
(Sorex rohweri)
- Trowbridge's Shrew
(Sorex trowbridgii)
- Vagrant Shrew
(Sorex vagrans)
- Pacific Water Shrew
family: Talpidae
- Shrew-mole
(Neurotrichus gibbsii)
- Pacific Mole
(Scapanus orarius)
- Townsend's Mole
(Scapanus townsendii)
- Shrew-mole
family: Soricidae

Pacific Water Shrew
Sorex bendiriiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Streams and bogs; an aquatic shrew.
diet: Aquatic arthropods.
identification: Largest member of its genus; fringe of hairs on toes helps with swimming. Total length: 14-18 cm; tail: 6-8 cm; mass: 12-17 g.
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Masked Shrew
Sorex cinereusOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Olympic Peninsula, Cascades, and northeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Brownish or grayish above, with lighter underparts. Total length: 7-12 cm; tail: 3-5 cm; mass: 4-8 g.
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Pygmy Shrew
Sorex hoyiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Northeast.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
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Merriam's Shrew
Sorex merriamiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush scrub, woodlands, grasslands.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Bicolored tail, white below at tip. Total length: 9-11 cm; tail: 3-4 cm; mass: 4-7 g.
conservation: State Candidate
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Dusky Shrew
Sorex monticolusOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Western Washington, Northeastern and Southeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Dark above, lighter below; tail bicolored. Total length: 9-14 cm; tail: 4-7 cm; mass: 4-9 g.
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Northern Water Shrew
Sorex palustrisOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Mountains: Olympic Peninsula, Cascades, Northeastern and Southeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Streams and bogs; an aquatic shrew.
diet: Aquatic arthropods.
identification: Fringe of hairs on toes helps with swimming. Total length: 13-18 cm; tail: 6-8 cm; mass: 12-17 g.
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Preble's Shrew
Sorex prebleiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Southeastern Washington, Blue Mountains.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Bicolored tail, darkening toward tip. Total length: 7-10 cm; tail: 3-4 cm; mass: 3-7 g.
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Olympic Shrew
Sorex rohweriOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)Range in Washington: Olympic Peninsula, southward along coast, and Skamania County. Southwestern British Columbia, Canada.
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
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Trowbridge's Shrew
Sorex trowbridgiiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Light to dark brown; tail sharply bicolored. Total length: 10-13 cm; tail: 5-6 cm; mass: 4-9 g.
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Vagrant Shrew
Sorex vagransOrder Soricomorpha, Family Soricidae (Shrews)
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Grayish to reddish brown; tail unicolored or indistinctly bicolored. Total length: 8-11 cm; tail: 3-5 cm; mass: 4-8 g.
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Neurotrichus gibbsiiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Talpidae (Moles)
Range in Washington: Cascades and western Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
identification: Active on soil surface, usually in forest litter; no digging, burrows, or mounds.
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Pacific Mole
Scapanus orariusOrder Soricomorpha, Family Talpidae (Moles)
Range in Washington: Western Washington, southern Cascades, and southeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
habits: Digs burrows, forms mounds and ridges; forages underground.
identification: Small eyes; large hands; nearly naked tail. Total length: 15-18 cm; tail: 3-4 cm.
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Townsend's Mole
Scapanus townsendiiOrder Soricomorpha, Family Talpidae (Moles)
Range in Washington: West of Cascades; also eastern Kittitas County.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open areas, woodlands, forests.
diet: Insectivore.
habits: Digs burrows, forms mounds and ridges; forages underground.
identification: Small eyes; large hands; nearly naked tail. Total length: 20-24 cm; tail: 3-5 cm.
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