order: Rodentia
family: Aplodontiidae
- Mountain Beaver
(Aplodontia rufa)
- Mountain Beaver
family: Sciuridae
- Eastern Gray Squirrel
(Sciurus carolinensis)
- Western Gray Squirrel
(Sciurus griseus)
- Fox Squirrel
(Sciurus niger)
- Douglas Squirrel
(Tamiasciurus douglasii)
- Red Squirrel
(Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
- Hoary Marmot
(Marmota caligata)
- Yellow-bellied Marmot
(Marmota flaviventris)
- Olympic Marmot
(Marmota olympus)
- California Ground Squirrel
(Otospermophilus beecheyi)
- Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
(Callospermophilus lateralis)
- Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
(Callospermophilus saturatus)
- Columbian Ground Squirrel
(Urocitellus columbianus)
- Piute Ground Squirrel
(Urocitellus mollis)
- Townsend's Ground Squirrel
(Urocitellus townsendii)
- Washington Ground Squirrel
(Urocitellus washingtoni)
- Yellow-pine Chipmunk
(Tamias amoenus)
- Least Chipmunk
(Tamias minimus)
- Red-tailed Chipmunk
(Tamias ruficaudus)
- Townsend's Chipmunk
(Tamias townsendii)
- Northern Flying Squirrel
(Glaucomys sabrinus)
- Eastern Gray Squirrel
family: Castoridae
- Beaver
(Castor canadensis)
- Beaver
family: Heteromyidae
- Ord's Kangaroo Rat
(Dipodomys ordii)
- Great Basin Pocket Mouse
(Perognathus parvus)
- Ord's Kangaroo Rat
family: Geomyidae
- Mazama Pocket Gopher
(Thomomys mazama)
- Northern Pocket Gopher
(Thomomys talpoides)
- Mazama Pocket Gopher
family: Dipodidae
- Western Jumping Mouse
(Zapus princeps)
- Pacific Jumping Mouse
(Zapus trinotatus)
- Western Jumping Mouse
family: Cricetidae
- subfamily:
- Sagebrush Vole
(Lemmiscus curtatus)
- Gray-tailed Vole
(Microtus canicaudus)
- Long-tailed Vole
(Microtus longicaudus)
- Montane Vole
(Microtus montanus)
- Creeping Vole
(Microtus oregoni)
- Meadow Vole
(Microtus pennsylvanicus)
- Water Vole
(Microtus richardsoni)
- Townsend's Vole
(Microtus townsendii)
- Red-backed Vole
(Clethrionomys gapperi)
- Muskrat
(Ondatra zibethicus)
- Western Heather Vole
(Phenacomys intermedius)
- Northern Bog Lemming
(Synaptomys borealis)
- Sagebrush Vole
- subfamily:
- Bushy-tailed Woodrat
(Neotoma cinerea)
- Northern Grasshopper Mouse
(Onychomys leucogaster)
- Deer Mouse
(Peromyscus maniculatus)
- Keen's Mouse
(Peromyscus keeni)
- Western Harvest Mouse
(Reithrodontomys megalotis)
- Bushy-tailed Woodrat
- subfamily:
family: Muridae
- House Mouse
(Mus musculus)
- Norway Rat
(Rattus norvegicus)
- Black Rat
(Rattus rattus)
- House Mouse
family: Erethizontidae
- Porcupine
(Erethizon dorsatum)
- Porcupine
family: Myocastoridae
- Nutria
(Myocastor coypus)
- Nutria
family: Aplodontiidae

Mountain Beaver
Aplodontia rufaOrder Rodentia, Family Aplodontiidae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forests and thickets, moist areas.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Mostly nocturnal, constructs burrows, occasionally diverts streams into its tunnels.
identification: Very short tail, white spot just below ear. Total length: 25-45 cm; tail: 20-55 mm; mass: 500-1500 g.
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Eastern Gray Squirrel
Sciurus carolinensisOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Introduced, mainly in cities.
Washington Maps:
habitat: City parks and yards.
diet: Herbivore, omnivore.
identification: Gray with reddish tones, silvery-tipped hairs. Occasionally black or albino. Total length: 40-50 cm; tail: 21-24 cm; mass: 400-700 g.
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Western Gray Squirrel
Sciurus griseusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: South Puget Sound Prairie; southern Cascades in Klickitat County; lower eastern slope of North Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Oak woodland, mixed with conifers.
diet: Herbivore, acorns.
identification: Large and slate-gray with white belly, tail large and extremely bushy. Total length: 45-60 cm; tail: 25-30 cm; mass: 350-950 g.
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Fox Squirrel
Sciurus nigerOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Introduced, mainly in cities.
Washington Maps:
habitat: City parks.
diet: Herbivore
identification: Largest tree squirrel, large bushy tail with yellow-tipped hairs. Three color morphs: grey, black, or reddish. Total length: 45-70 cm; tail: 20-35 cm; mass: 500-1000 g.
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Douglas Squirrel
Tamiasciurus douglasiiOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Coniferous forest.
diet: Seeds of conifers.
habits: Territorial, hoards piles of cones, does not hibernate.
identification: Dark gray with orange-yellow beneath. Total length: 270-355 mm; tail: 100-155 mm; mass: 150-300 g.
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Red Squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Northward and eastward from Lake Chelan; Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Coniferous forest.
diet: Seeds of conifers.
habits: Territorial, hoards piles of cones, highly arboreal.
identification: Gray with some red tinge, white beneath. Total length: 270-385 mm; tail: 90-155 mm; mass: 140-250 g.
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Hoary Marmot
Marmota caligataOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Talus slopes.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Black and whitish markings on head and shoulders, nose and patch between eyes whitish. Total length: 45-80 cm; tail: 15-25 cm; mass: 4-9 kg.
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Yellow-bellied Marmot
Marmota flaviventrisOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open rocky areas, treeless habitat.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Yellow belly, whitish spot between eyes. Total length: 45-70 cm; tail: 13-22 cm; mass: 2-5 kg.
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Olympic Marmot
Marmota olympusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Olympic Mountains. In 2009 this species was designated as Washington State's official endemic mammal, occurring only within the state of Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Talus slopes.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates October to May.
identification: Brownish mixed with white; very similar and closely related to hoary marmot. Total length: 45-80 cm; tail: 15-25 cm; mass: 4-9 kg.
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California Ground Squirrel
Otospermophilus beecheyiFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: South-Central Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Open country.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Brown with whitish flecking, light wash on sides of neck across shoulders to haunches, darker "V" on back. Total length: 35-50 cm; tail: 15-25 cm; mass: 280-740 g.
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Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Callospermophilus lateralisFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Extreme northeastern and southeastern corners of the state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded and open rocky areas.
diet: Herbivore, also fungus.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Body stripes like chipmunks, but no head stripes. Head and shoulders coppery-red. Total length: 25-30 cm; tail: 6-12 cm; mass: 175-275 g.
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Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Callospermophilus saturatusFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
General range: Cascades of Washington and extreme southern British Columbia.
Range in Washington: Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wooded and open rocky areas.
diet: Herbivore, also fungus.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Body stripes like chipmunks, but no head stripes. Upper pair of dark lines faint. Head and shoulders coppery-red. Total length: 25-30 cm; tail: 6-12 cm; mass: 175-275 g.
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Columbian Ground Squirrel
Urocitellus columbianusFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Eastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Meadows and fields, associated with forests.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Gray with yellow-orange beneath, tail bushy. Total length: 30-40 cm; tail: 8-12 cm; mass: 350-800 g.
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Piute Ground Squirrel
Urocitellus mollisFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
General range: Southeast Oregon, Snake River Valley of Idaho, Nevada (except extreme south) extreme eastern central California, and western Utah.
Range in Washington: North of Yakima and west of Columbia River; disjunct from the rest of the species.
habitat: Sagebrush and grasslands.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Gray; no spots; short tail. Total length: 17-27 cm; tail: 3-7 cm; mass: 125-325 g.
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Townsend's Ground Squirrel
Urocitellus townsendiiFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
General range: Recently recognized as a species occurring only in Washington.
Range in Washington: Southeast Washington south of Yakima River and west and north of Columbia River. Current recognition of this species does not include populations north of the Yakima River, which are considered to be Urocitellis mollis.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Grassland and sagebrush.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Gray; no spots; short tail that is reddish below. Total length: 17-27 cm; tail: 3-7 cm; mass: 125-325 g.
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Washington Ground Squirrel
Urocitellus washingtoniFormerly genus SpermophilusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
General range: Southeastern Washington and small area of Oregon in Gilliam, Morrow, and Umatilla Counties.
Range in Washington: East of Columbia River from center of state southward.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush and grassland.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Gray; white spots; short tail with blackish tip. Total length: 18-25 cm; tail: 3-7 cm; mass: 150-280 g.
conservation: State Candidate; Federal Candidate.
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Yellow-pine Chipmunk
Tamias amoenusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Olympics, Cascades and east.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forest and brush.
diet: Seeds, flowers, fruits.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Stripes on body and head; brightly colored; underside of tail brownish-yellow. Total length: 180-245 mm; tail: 70-100 mm; mass: 30-73 g.
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Least Chipmunk
Tamias minimusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Central eastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush.
diet: Seeds, flowers, fruits.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Stripes on body and head that continue to base of tail. Smallest, lightest chipmunk in Washington. Total length: 160-225 mm; tail: 70-115 mm; mass: 30-70 g.
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Red-tailed Chipmunk
Tamias ruficaudusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Mountains of the extreme northeast.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Coniferous forests, talus slopes.
diet: Seeds, flowers, fruits.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Stripes on body and head; rump gray; tail rufous above, dark reddish below; closely related to T. amoenus . Total length: 22-25 cm; tail: 10-12 cm; mass: about 60 g.
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Townsend's Chipmunk
Tamias townsendiiOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Coniferous forest and brush.
diet: Seeds, flowers, fruits.
habits: Hibernates.
identification: Stripes on body and head, brownish stripe below ears. Largest, darkest chipmunk in Washington. Total length: 220-315 mm; tail: 90-150 mm; mass: 50-110 g.
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Northern Flying Squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinusOrder Rodentia, Family Sciuridae
Range in Washington: All forested regions of the state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Coniferous and mixed forests.
diet: Fungus, lichens.
habits: Nocturnal; glides from trees; highly arboreal; does not hibernate.
identification: Gliding skin between front and rear legs; large eyes. Total length: 25-35 cm; tail: 12-18 cm; mass: 45-70 g
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Castor canadensisOrder Rodentia, Family Castoridae
Range in Washington: Wet areas throughout the state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Ponds, lakes, slow streams.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Aquatic, builds dams and lodges.
identification: Largest rodent in North America, flat scaly tail. Total length: 90-115 cm; tail: 30-45 cm; mass: 20-27 kg.
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Ord's Kangaroo Rat
Dipodomys ordiiOrder Rodentia, Family Heteromyidae
Photo by US Fish & Wildlife@Wikimedia Commons.
Range in Washington: Southern Columbia Basin.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush, sandy areas.
diet: Granivore.
habits: Locomotion mainly bipedal.
identification: Long hind feet and tail, large head. Striped tail, with white tail stripes narrower than dark tail stripes. Total length: 200-280 mm; tail: 100-165 mm; mass: 50-95 g.
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Great Basin Pocket Mouse
Perognathus parvusOrder Rodentia, Family Heteromyidae
Photo by Jim Kenagy.
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush.
diet: Granivore; accumulates seed cache for winter.
habits: Hibernates. Locomotion mainly quadrupedal.
identification: Brownish, white beneath. Long tail, slightly crested toward tip. Total length: 150-200 mm; tail: 75-105 mm; mass: 17-31 g.
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Mazama Pocket Gopher
Thomomys mazamaOrder Rodentia, Family Geomyidae
Range in Washington: Olympics and Tacoma area southward.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Most open habitats.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Digs burrows with forelimbs and teeth, forages below ground, forms soil mounds.
identification: Pointed ear with black patch behind. Short tail, heavy jaw bone, big incisors. Total length: 180-240 mm; tail: 50-80 mm; mass: 50-95 g.
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Northern Pocket Gopher
Thomomys talpoidesOrder Rodentia, Family Geomyidae
Photo by Kelli Wood.
Range in Washington: Cascades and east.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Most open habitats.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Digs burrows with forelimbs and teeth, forages below ground, forms soil mounds.
identification: Rounded ear with black patch behind. Short tail, heavy jaw bone, big incisors. Total length: 165-230 mm; tail: 40-75 mm; mass: 75-130 g.
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Western Jumping Mouse
Zapus princepsOrder Rodentia, Family Dipodidae
Range in Washington: Mountains of northeast and southeast.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Meadows and thickets near streams.
diet: Granivore, herbivore.
habits: Hibernates; may drum the ground with its tail when alarmed.
identification: Golden sides; dark back; long tail; enlarged hind feet. Total length: 21-26 cm; tail: 13-16 cm; mass: 15-38 g.
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Pacific Jumping Mouse
Zapus trinotatusOrder Rodentia, Family Dipodidae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Meadows in coniferous forests.
diet: Granivore, herbivore.
habits: Hibernates; may drum the ground with its tail when alarmed.
identification: Golden sides; dark back; long tail; enlarged hind feet. Total length: 21-26 cm; tail: 13-16 cm; mass: 15-38 g.
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Sagebrush Vole
Lemmiscus curtatusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Pale gray above, whitish below and on feet; short tail. Total length: 10-15 cm; tail: 1.5-3 cm; mass: 17-38 g.
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Gray-tailed Vole
Microtus canicaudusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily ArvicolinaeGeneral range: Clark County, Washington and Willamette Valley of Oregon.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Grassy and agricultural lands.
diet: Herbivore
identification: Tail bicolored and short. Total length: 14-20 cm; tail: 3-7 cm; mass: 35-85 g.
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Long-tailed Vole
Microtus longicaudusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Throughout the state except in sagebrush scrub.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wet meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Tail bicolored; grayish-brown above, light gray below. Total length: 15-25 cm; tail: 5-12 cm; mass: 20-85 g.
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Montane Vole
Microtus montanusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Eastern base of the Cascades and eastward.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wet meadows in forested areas.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Tail bicolored; feet dusky or silvery-gray. Total length: 14-20 cm; tail: 3-7 cm; mass: 35-85 g.
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Creeping Vole
Microtus oregoniOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Grassland or forest.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Brown above, silvery below. Total length: 12-16 cm; tail: 3-5 cm; mass: 15-30 g.
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Meadow Vole
Microtus pennsylvanicusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Northeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Moist meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Gray with silver-tipped hair below. Total length: 14-20 cm; tail: 3-6 cm; mass: 20-70 g.
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Water Vole
Microtus richardsoniOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Cascades and Blue Mountains.
habitat: Marshes, streams, and wet meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Grayish to reddish above, white to silver below; long bicolored tail. Total length: 20-26 cm; tail: 7-9 cm.
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Townsend's Vole
Microtus townsendiiOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Western Washington lowlands.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Marshes, streams, and wet meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Dark brown above, gray below; feet dusky; large ears. Total length: 15-25 cm; tail: 5-8 cm; mass: 40-100 g.
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Red-backed Vole
Clethrionomys gapperiOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Statewide in mountains.
habitat: Forest or meadows in mountains.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Short tail; red back. Total length: 12-16 cm; tail: 3-5 cm; mass: 16-42 g.
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Ondatra zibethicusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Marshes and ponds.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Aquatic.
identification: Tail slightly flattened for swimming; large compared to other members of its family. Total length: 41-62 cm; tail: 18-30 cm; mass: 540-1800 g.
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Western Heather Vole
Phenacomys intermediusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: High mountains.
habitat: Forests or meadows in high mountains.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Grizzled brown above, silver below; white feet. Total length: 13-15 cm; tail: 2-4 cm; mass: 15-40 g.
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Northern Bog Lemming
Synaptomys borealisOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Arvicolinae
Range in Washington: Northern border of state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Alpine meadows.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Brown above, gray below; short, bicolored tail. Total length: 12-14 cm; tail: 2-3 cm; mass: 25-35 g.
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Bushy-tailed Woodrat
Neotoma cinereaOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Sigmodontinae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Many habitats, often associated with rocks.
diet: Herbivore
habits: The original "Packrat"; collects objects, preferably shiny.
identification: Very large body size; bushy tail. Total length: 30-45 cm; tail: 12-25 cm; mass: 155-445 g.
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Northern Grasshopper Mouse
Onychomys leucogasterOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Sigmodontinae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sandy sagebrush.
diet: Insects; strong predatory behavior.
identification: Grayish or buff above, white below; bicolored tail with white tip. Total length: 13-20 cm; tail: 3-6 cm; mass: 27-52 g.
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Deer Mouse
Peromyscus maniculatusOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Sigmodontinae
Photo by US National Park Service@Wikimedia Commons.
Range in Washington: Most of state.
Washington Maps:
habitat: All habitats.
diet: Granivore, omnivore.
identification: Grayish-brown above, white below. Similar to P. keeni but tail shorter. Total length: 12-21 cm; tail: 5-11 cm; mass: 10-33 g.
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Keen's Mouse
Peromyscus keeniOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Sigmodontinae
Range in Washington: Western Washington.
habitat: All habitats.
diet: Granivore, omnivore.
identification: Grayish-brown above, white below. Similar to P. maniculatus, but tail longer. Total length: 12-22 cm; tail: 5-12 cm; mass: 10-33 g.
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Western Harvest Mouse
Reithrodontomys megalotisOrder Rodentia, Family Cricetidae, Subfamily Sigmodontinae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Grassland, marshes.
diet: Seeds, plants, insects.
identification: Ears partly furred; smaller than Peromyscus. Total length: 11-17 cm; tail: 5-10 cm; mass: 9-22 g.
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House Mouse
Mus musculusOrder Rodentia, Family Muridae, Subfamily Murinae
General range: Throughout most of the world in close association with humans.
Range in Washington: Human habitations and all nearby habitats. Introduced.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Buildings, areas with good cover, cultivated fields.
diet: Opportunistic; seeds, human food, insects.
identification: Grayish-brown above, nearly the same color below. Total length: 13-20 cm; tail: 6-10 cm; mass: 18-23 g.
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Norway Rat
Rattus norvegicusOrder Rodentia, Family Muridae, Subfamily Murinae
General range: Worldwide; in warmer climates, restricted to habitats modified by humans.
Range in Washington: Urban areas; sometimes nearby habitats. Introduced.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Human dwellings, cities, cultivated fields.
diet: Omnivore.
identification: Brownish-gray above, grayish below; scaly tail. Total length: 30-45 cm; tail: 12-20 cm; mass: 195-485 g.
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Black Rat
Rattus rattusOrder Rodentia, Family Muridae, Subfamily Murinae
General range: Worldwide in tropic and temperate zones.
Range in Washington: Human habitations and nearby habitats. Introduced.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Seaports and buildings.
diet: Omnivore.
identification: Brownish or grayish above, lighter below; sparsely-haired tail. Total length: 30-45 cm; tail: 16-25 cm; mass: 115-350 g.
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Erethizon dorsatumOrder Rodentia, Family Erethizontidae
Range in Washington: Statewide.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forested areas.
diet: Herbivore; twigs, leaves of trees.
identification: Quills cover body. Total length: 65-93 cm; tail: 15-30 cm; mass: 4-18 kg.
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Myocastor coypusOrder Rodentia, Family Myocastoridae
Photo by
Range in Washington: Introduced along rivers and Puget Sound.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Wet areas.
diet: Herbivore.
habits: Aquatic.
identification: Large aquatic rodent; tail round and scaly. Total length: 65-140 cm; tail: 30-45 cm; mass: 2-12 kg.