order: Lagomorpha
family: Ochotonidae
- Pika
(Ochotona princeps)
- Pika
family: Leporidae
- Pygmy Rabbit
(Brachylagus idahoensis)
- Snowshoe Hare
(Lepus americanus)
- Black-tailed Jackrabbit
(Lepus californicus)
- White-tailed Jackrabbit
(Lepus townsendii)
- European Rabbit
(Oryctolagus cuniculus)
- Eastern Cottontail
(Sylvilagus floridanus)
- Nuttall's Cottontail
(Sylvilagus nuttallii)
- Pygmy Rabbit
family: Ochotonidae

Ochotona princepsOrder Lagomorpha, Family Ochotonidae
Photo by Chris & Lara
Range in Washington: Cascades and northeastern Washington.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Talus slopes in mountains.
diet: Herbivore; caches piles of hay.
identification: Small, rounded ears; no tail. Total length: 16-22 cm; mass: 100-130 g.

Pygmy Rabbit
Brachylagus idahoensisOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
Range in Washington: Central Columbia Plateau.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush; deep, soft soil.
diet: Sagebrush, herbs.
habits: Digs its own burrow system, unlike other North American rabbits.
identification: Smaller than cottontails; white ear margin. Total length: 25-29 cm; tail: 2-3 cm; mass: 245-260 g.
conservation: State Endangered; Federal Species of Concern.
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Snowshoe Hare
Lepus americanusOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
Range in Washington: Cascades and west; mountains of the east.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Forest and thickets.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Ears with black tips; changes color (dark-white) seasonally. Total length: 38-52 cm; tail: 3-5 cm; mass: 900-1400 g.
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Black-tailed Jackrabbit
Lepus californicusOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
Photo by Jeff Bradley.
Range in Washington: Columbia Basin.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Large size, long ears, black tail. Total length: 46-63 cm; tail: 5-11 cm; mass: 2-4 kg.
conservation: State Candidate.
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White-tailed Jackrabbit
Lepus townsendiiOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Sagebrush.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Large size, long ears, white tail. Total length: 56-66 cm; tail: 6-11 mm; mass: 2.5-4 kg.
conservation: State Candidate.
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European Rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculusOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
General range: Southern and western Europe.
Range in Washington: Introduced into San Juan Islands.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Grassy areas, thickets.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Longer tail and ears than cottontails. Total length: 45-60 cm; tail: 6-9 mm; mass: 1.5-2 kg.
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Eastern Cottontail
Sylvilagus floridanusOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
General range: North America south to northern South America.
Range in Washington: Introduced.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Thickets.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Gray or brown above, rust-colored nape. Total length: 37-46 cm; tail: 4-6.5 cm; mass: 900-1800 g.
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Nuttall's Cottontail
Sylvilagus nuttalliiOrder Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae
Range in Washington: East of Cascades.
Washington Maps:
habitat: Brush and wooded areas.
diet: Herbivore.
identification: Grayish brown above, white below. Black-tipped ears. Total length: 35-40 cm; tail: 4-5 cm; mass: 675-1000 g.