Our Location
The Fish Collection is housed in
the basement (Rm. 5) of the Fisheries Teaching and Research (FTR) building. FTR
is located at 1140 N.E. Boat St.,
on the west side of the University
of Washington campus in Seattle,
Washington, USA.
Boat St. is easily accessed from N.E. Pacific St.,
one of the major arteries through campus. Coming from the east on Pacific St., turn
left on University Way N.E.
or Brooklyn Ave. N.E.,
drive south one block to Boat St.
and turn right. FTR is the second building on the right side after crossing
Brooklyn Ave. Driving from the west on Pacific St., you may turn right on Boat
St. where it forms a tee intersection with Pacific near the western margin of
campus. FTR will be less than a block down the street on your left.
Visitor Parking
Short-term parking (2 hr spaces
with parking meters) is available all along Boat St. However, competition for these
spaces is fierce, and vehicles will be ticketed for over-extending their stay.
Arrangements for longer-term parking and large groups can be made by calling
the UW Department of Transportation Services, (206) 685-7167.
Coming From Out of Town
Visitors driving to Seattle from
the north or south on I-5 should exit at N.E. 45th St. then head east on 45th
to Brooklyn Ave. N.E. Turn right (south) on Brooklyn and continue several
blocks to N.E. Boat St. Directions from there are given above under "Our
Location." If you are driving from the east on I-90, continue west until the
junction with I-5, then follow I-5 north to the 45th St. exit. From there proceed as
described above. Driving from the east on I-520, take the Montlake Blvd. N.E. exit shortly after
crossing Lake Washington. Head north on
Montlake Blvd., getting into the left lane as soon as possible, and continue
across the Montlake Bridge to N.E. Pacific St. where you will turn left.
Directions to the Fish Collection from Pacific St. are given above under
"Our Location."
is also served by all major airlines at Sea-Tac International
Airport. Sea-Tac is
located approximately 29 km (18 miles) south of the University, between the
cities of Seattle and Tacoma. All major rental car agencies
maintain offices at Sea-Tac, and transportation to the University and area
hotels is also available via King County Metro Bus service, taxi, and a variety
of airport shuttle services.
Visitors requiring overnight accommodations
will find the following hotels to be most conveniently located near campus:
The College Inn.
4000 University Way N.E.
Hotel Deca.
4507 Brooklyn Ave. N.E.
The University
Inn. 4140 Roosevelt Way N.E.
Watertown. 4242 Roosevelt Way N.E. (206-826-4242)
University Plaza Hotel. 400 N.E. 45th St. (206-634-0100)
If you require assistance making travel arrangements contact Katherine Maslenikov, Collection