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The Spider Myths Site
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Links to Further Information

General Information:

The Arachnology Home Page
A classified link index on all aspects of arachnology.

The American Tarantula Society
This site includes a number of illuminating online articles. See especially the one on how misinformation gets into kids' books:
and this one about scorpion myths:

The American Arachnological Society
The largest organization of professional arachnologists. Site includes a form for submitting arachnid questions to experts.

Jumping Spiders (a section of The Tree of Life web site)
Photos of the jumping spiders (family Salticidae) of the world, arranged according to the hierarchy of technical classification.

Australian Spiders Info and Links

National Geographic Spider Fact Sheet

The World Spider Catalog
A technical resource for the serious arachnologist, listing all named spider species mentioned in recent literature.

The Nearctic Spider Database
This ambitious project aims to present basic info on all North American spider species. The link is included in hopes it will come back soon (currently offline due to hardware failure).

Regional Resources:

Washington Spider Checklist (1988)

Spiders of the Arid Southwest

Spiders of Texas

Colorado Spider Survey

Ohio Spider Survey

Wisconsin Spider Checklist (2007)

Los Angeles Spider Survey

California Spider Checklist (1979-2004)

Alabama Spider Checklist (2006)

Illinois and Indiana Spider Checklist (2002)
     Click for Illinois and Indiana (URL too long to fit here)!

Medically Important Spiders:

The Hobo Spider Web Page
This page still exists, but has been removed from the links list because the contents (still useful in parts) are now sufficiently out-of-date to confuse a novice.

University of California Hobo Spider Page
Although not as extensive, this page contains some more recent information on the hobo spider, which has not been found in California.

Nina Sandlin's Brown Recluse Page
This article from the American Medical Association is the sole fully accurate general brown recluse information resource I know of. Most of the others are so bad they make me cringe!

eMedicine's Atrax Page
A fully authoritative medical account of Australian "funnel-web" envenomation, countering much of the hype on these spiders.

Spider Myths:

Rick Vetter's Spider Pages
     http://spiders.ucr.edu/index.html (includes the following:)
          http://spiders.ucr.edu/daddylonglegs.html (the "venomous daddy-longlegs" myth)
          http://spiders.ucr.edu/debunk.html (the "blush spider" myth)
          http://spiders.ucr.edu/myth.html (the "brown recluse" myth)
          http://spiders.ucr.edu/articles.html (the "thumb hoax" email)

Urban Legends about Spiders from about.com
Several urban legends sites include spider material, but the above (compiled from other sites including www.snopes.com) is the most complete. What's more, they finally stopped calling spiders insects!

Camel Spider myths debunked by National Geographic

Amazingly "True Facts" about Spiders
This entertaining spoof is not a real myth! It lampoons the type of hoaxes widespread on the Internet. Pay attention to what you read!

Photo Sources:

Markku Savela's biological images (mainly from Finland)

Manuel J. Cabrero's "Pequeña Fauna de Zamora"

Wikimedia Commons

Vanderbilt University Bioimages

Other photos are used courtesy of the photographers (who retain all rights), as credited. The spider trap photo is courtesy of hobospider.com (not a recommended info source). The photos by Bob Thomson were given by him to Rod Crawford (author of this page); the J.W. Thompson Co. photo of a yellow flower spider, and the Margaret Davidson drawing of a hobo spider, belong to the Burke Museum. A few drawings are by the author, but most are adapted from public domain sources, either non-copyright or copyright expired. Many of the line drawings are by classic arachnologist James Henry Emerton (1847-1930) in his late 19th century works on New England spiders. The green and white Leucauge in the page logo is from the 1893 masterpiece "American Spiders and their Spinningwork" by Henry C. McCook (1837-1911).

About (and by) the Author:

Author's Vita

Author's Home Page

Spider Collector's Journal

Washington Spider Checklist (1988)

Text © 2003-2010, Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture,
University of Washington, Box 353010, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Phone: 206-543-5590
Photos © as credited
Queries to Spider Myths author, Rod Crawford

This page last updated 18 April, 2012

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