![]() Larisa A. ProzorovaSenior Researcher, Leader of Malacological group, Laboratory of Freshwater Communities, Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. 159 Pr. 100 let Vladivostoku, Vladivostok 690022, Russia Phone: (4232) 312104 Fax: (4232) 310193 E-mail: prozorova@ibss.dvo.ru EDUCATION1986-199 Ph.D. , Zoology (Malacology).Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences FEB RAS, Russia. Supervisor: Prof. Ya.I. Starobogatov (Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg). Ph.D. Dissertation: Specific content, distribution and biological patterns of freshwater mollusks of Primorye Territory (south Russian Far East).
1978-1983 M.S. Biology. Far East State University, Vladivostok, Russia. Supervisor: Prof. Ya.I. Starobogatov (Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg). M.S. Thesis: Freshwater malacofauna of Chaun Lowland (north Russian Far East).
RESEARCH EXPERIENCEProject leader of: 1. International Programs Division of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grants №№ NYY000 and NYY300, 1994-1995: Fauna and taxonomy of non-marine mollusks of the Russian Far East. Project member of: 2. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 93-04-20403, 1993-1995: Mollusks of fresh and brackish waters of the Russian Far East 3. Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering program of the U.S. National Science Foundation, 1995г: Common species in freshwater malacofauna of North-East Asia and Alaska. 4. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 98-04-49595, 1998-2000: Fauna and taxonomy of poorly studied freshwater bivalves from the Russian Far East. 5. Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant № 98-04-49276, 1998-2000: Evolution of organisms in the giant lakes. 6. International Programs Division and the Biological Sciences Directorate (Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program) of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grants №№ DEB-9400821 and DEB-9505031, 1994-2000: Biodiversity of Kuril Archipelago. 7. Far Eastern Marine Foundation, 1998-1999: Biodiversity and state of environment in the Tumannaya (Tumen River) Mouth and the adjacent areas. 8. Federal Central Scientific-Engineering Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of Russian Federation, 2000-2001: Research and inventory of flora and fauna of the Russian Far East. 9. International Programs Division and the Biological Sciences Directorate (Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program) of the U.S. National Science Foundation, grant № DEB-0071655, 2001-present: Biodiversity of Sakhalin Island.
TEACHING EXPERIENCESupervision of 1 university undergraduate student and 1 post-graduate student.
SCIENTIFIC AFFILIATIONS1. Member of Malacological Society of Russia 2. Member of Russian Far East Malacological Society 3. Member of American Western Malacological Society 4. Member of DIWPA (DIVERSITAS in Western Pacific and Asia)
FOREIN LANGUAGEEnglish: good reading, writing and speaking.
PUBLICATIONSSince 1986 up to 2001 73 scientific publications. 25 last relevant publications: Prozorova L.A., 1995. Taxonomy and species composition of the genus Pisidium (Bivalvia, Pisidiidae) in the Russian Far East. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 74(11): 32-36. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 1996. On the species composition of the Acroloxidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) family in the Russian Far East. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 75(4): 494-498. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 1996. Species composition of the genus Cecina (Gastropoda, Pomatiopsidae from the Russian far East Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 75(5): 653-663. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I., Korniushin A.V. 1996. Species composition of the genus Henslowiana (Bivalvia, Euglesidae) from the Amur river basin. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 75(9): 1319-1325. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1996. Guide to Recent molluscs of nothern Eurasia. 6. Genus Armiger Hartmann, 1840 (family Planorbidae). Ruthenica, Russian Malacological Journal, 5(2): 167-175. Prozorova L.A. 1996. Gastropods and small bivalves of fresh and brackish water bodies in the Southern Kuril Islands. The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 1: 21-34. Prozorova L.A. 1997. Freshwater snails in the Southern Russian Far East. Korean Journal of Malacology, 13(2): 97-108. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1997. New species of the sungenus Gyraulus of the genus Anisus and Choanomphalus (Gastropoda, Planorbidae). Ruthenica, 7(1): 39-50. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1997. New for Russia species of the genus Stenothyra (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia, Stenothyridae). Ruthenica, 7(1): 65-66. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 1998. Fresh- and brackish-water pectinibranch gastropods of Kuril Islands // Ruthenica, 8(1): 33-38. Prozorova L.A. 1998. Annotated list of Beringian freshwater molluscs. The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 2: 12-28. Prozorova L.A. 1998. New data on the anatomy and taxonomy of Lacustrina Sterki (Bivalvia, Pisidioidea). Western Society of malacologists Annual Report, 30: 55. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1998. Subgenus Sibirovalvata of the genus Cincinna (Pectinibranchia, Valvatidae) in Russia and adjacent area. The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 2: 54-74. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. Subgenus Gyraulus (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) from the South of the Russian Far East. Ruthenica, 8(1): 55-58. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. A new species of the genus Aplexa (Pulmonata, Physidae) from Japan. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 77(9): 1068-1070. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1998. The species of the genus Acroloxus (Pulmonata, Acroloxidae) from the Kolhyma River basin. Ruthenica, 8(1): 39-42. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya. I. 1999. On taxonomy and anatomy of the genus Choanomphalus (Gastropoda, Planorbidae). Zoologicheskij Zhurnal, 78(8): 1011-1013. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. 1999. On Cincinna japonica (Martens, 1877) (Pectinibranchia, Valvatidae), with a description of a new species of the genus from the Southern Kuril Islands. Ruthenica, 9(1): 51-55. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 2000. Annotated list of water mollusks of the Khanka Lake drainage. The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 4: 10-29. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 2000. Unique association of land snails on Klykova Island (Peter the Great Bay). Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 3: 33-35. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A. 2000. On the land snails of the Kuril Islands, their ecological peculiarities and ways of dispersal. Vestnik DVO (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch), 5: 29-35. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Foster N.R. 2000. On the similarity of Asian and American Beringian freshwater malacofaunas. In: Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia. V. 1. Part 3. Novosibirsk. P. 89-91. Prozorova L.A. 2001. Species biodiversity and distribution of freshwater malacofauna in the basin of lower stretch of the Tumanaya River. In: The state of environment and biota of the southwestern part of Peter the Great Bay and the Tumannaya River mouth. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, p. 52-68. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Sayenko E.M. 2001. On the biology of the anodontine genus Cristaria (Bivalvia, Unionidae). Ruthenica, 11(1): 33-36. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Rasshepkina A.V. 2001. Comparative anatomy of reproductive system of the Juga-loke gastropods (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea) from South Korea and Primorye Teritory. The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society, 4: 10-29. [In Russian].
SUBMITTED PAPERSProzorova L.A. Patterns of distribution of freshwater malacofauna on the Russian Far East and biogeographical subdivision of the region. In: Vladimir Ya. Levanidovs Biennial Memorial Meetings. Issue 1. Vladivostok, March 20-22, 2001. Dalnauka, Vladivostok. [In Russian] Bogatov V.V., Prozorova L.A., Starobogatov Ya.I. The family Margaritiferidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Russia. (Accepted by Ruthenica, Russian Malacological Journal). Prozorova L.A. Terrestrial mollusks. In: Flora and fauna of Kuril Island (materials of International Kuril Island Project). Dalnauka, Vladivostok. [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Sayenko E.M., Bogatov V.V. Freshwater mollusks. In: Flora and fauna of Kuril Island (materials of International Kuril Island Project). Dalnauka, Vladivostok. [In Russian]. Pearce T., Prozorova L., Kuwahara Ya. Terrestrial mollusks on the Kuril Islands: previous records and problems for study. (Accepted by Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch). Prozorova L.A. Taxonomy and species composition of the genus Anisus (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) in Russian fauna. (Accepted by Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch). [In Russian]. Prozorova L.A., Gulbin V.V. Mollusks. In: List of rare plant and animal species of Primorye Territory. Dalnauka, Vladivostok. [In Russian]. |