TITLE:Research Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA.; Visiting Scientist, Kenyan Medical Research Institute, Box 1578 Kisumu, Kenya; Affiliate Assistant Professor, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. EDUCATION:Ph.D. Ecology, University of Washinton, 1997. M.S. Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, 1991. B.S. Biology, Western Washington University, 1987. POSITIONS:Research Scientist, National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science, Tsukuba, Japan, 2000-2001. Research Scientist, International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya, 1997-2000. HONORS:Japan Society of Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Fellowship, 1997-99; J. H. Bloedel Fellowship, University of Washington, 1995; . GRANTS:NIH, The ecology of African highland malaria, 2000-2005. Sumitomo Foundation, Malaria vector ecology in African highlands, 1999-2000. US Forest Service, ecological roles of salmon carcasses, 1994 FIELD EXPERIENCE:Malaria vector research, Kenya, 1997-current; Biotic survey and inventory, Sakhalin Island, Russia, July-August 2001; Biotic survey and inventory, Kuril Islands, July-August 1994-2000; Ecology of Polypedilum vanderplanki (Diptera: Chironomidae), Nigeria, September 2000; Ecology of aquatic insect communities associated with salmon spawning, Washington, USA, 1994-1997; Environmental research in Lake Poyan, China, 1992; Ecology of juvenile coho salmon, Washington, USA, 1988-1991. PUBLICATIONS:Minakawa N, P. Seda, and G. Yan. 2002. Influence of host and larval distribution on the abundance of African malaria vectors in western Kenya. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.(in print) Minakawa, N., K. L. Kurowski, and M. Yabe. 2001. Salinity tolerance of the diving beetle Hygrotus impressopunctatus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and its implication for insect dispersal. Entomological Science. 4: 393-397. Nilsson, A. N., Lundmark, M. Kholin, S. K., and N. Minakawa. 2001. A faunistic review of the Gyrinus species of the Far East of Russia (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau. 71: 27-35. Minakawa, N., and G. Yan. 2001. Survival strategies of anopheline mosquitoes during the dry period in Western Kenya. Journal of Medical Entomology. 38: 388-392. Minakawa, N., and S. Tanaka. 2000. Distribution of Eurycercus glacialis Lilljeborg, 1887 (Cladocera, Chydoridae) on the Kuril Archipelago. Crustaceana. 73: 891-893. Minakawa, N., C. M. Mutero, J. C. Beier, J. I. Githure, and G. Yan. 1999. Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of anopheline mosquito larvae in western Kenya. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 61: 1010-1016. Arefina, T. I., N. Minakawa, T. Ito, I. M. Levanidova, T. Nozaki, and M. Uenishi. 1999. New records of sixteen caddisfly species (Trichoptera) from the Kuril Archipelago, the Asian Far East. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 75: 224-226. Sayenko, E. M., and N. Minakawa. 1999. Occurrence of two species of crustaceans, Branchinecta paludosa (O. F. Müller, 1788) (Anostraca) and Lepidurus arcticus (Pallas, 1793) (Notostraca), on the Kuril Archipelago. Crustaceana. 72: 710-712. Minakawa, N., and R. I. Gara. 1999. Ecological effects of a chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) spawning run in a stream of the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 14: 327-335. Nilsson, A. N, S. K. Kholin, and N. Minakawa. 1999. The Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Kamchatka, with additional records for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Beitrdge zür Entomologie. 49: 107-131. Teslenko, V. A., and N. Minakawa. 1999. Two new species of the genus Stavsolus Ricker from the Asian Far East (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Aquatic Insects. 21: 19-32. Minakawa, N., and G. F. Kraft. 1999. Fall and winter diets of juvenile coho salmon in a small stream and an adjacent man-made pond in northwestern Washington State. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 14: 249-254. Paulson, D. R., N. Minakawa, and R. I. Gara. 1998. Recent collections of Odonata from the Kuril Islands, Russia. Species Diversity. 3: 75-80. Terayama, M, K. Murata, and N. Minakawa. 1998. Ants collected by the members of the International Kuril Island Project, 1995. Ari. 22: 10-12. Nilsson, A. N., N. Minakawa, and P. B. H. Obreg. 1997. The diving beetles of the Kuril Archipelago in the Far East of Russia. Beitrdge zür Entomologie. 47: 365-376 Teslenko, V. A., N. Minakawa, G. F. Kraft, and R. I. Gara. 1997. Stonefly fauna of the southern Kuril Islands. p. 193-198. In P. Landolt and M. Sartori [ed.] Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Plecoptera, 1995, Chteau-d'x, Switzerland. Ito, T., and N. Minakawa. 1995. Variations of Dinarthrum stellatum Ito (Trichoptera, Lepidostomatidae), males from Hokkaido and Kuril Islands, the Asian Far East. Japanese Journal of Entomology. 63: 667-668. COLLABORATORS OTHER THAN THOSE CITED ABOVE:Masahiro Ohara, Yasuhiro Kuwahara, Andrew Githeko, Trevor Anderson, Daniel Bennett. |