CHAPTER 3 SECTION 5. Order COLEOPTERA Family LYCIDAE (net-winged beetles) Information on the Kuril archipelago Lycidae appeared in the Japanese literature in the 1930s. H. Kôno (Kôno, 1932, 1935b, 1937a) cited 9 species of this family for the Southern Kurils; after this there were no publications on this subject for a long time. The materials we had collected were analyzed and published by L. N. Medvedev (1966); 14 species turned up among these, including 8 species new to science and 2 species and 1 genus new to the fauna of the Kurils. S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967), in his compendium of the insects of the Southern Kuril Islands, added 2 more species. Thus, at the present time, 21 species and 12 genera are counted in the Lycidae fauna of the Kurils: Macrolycus (2 species), Mesolycus (1), Lycostomus (1), Benibotarus (1), Dictyoptera (3), Aplatopterus (3), Cladophorus (1), Pyropterus (2), Platycis (2), Xylobanus (3), Pristolycus (1), and Plateros (1); this substantially amplifies the list of the Lycidae fauna of the USSR, for which only 31 species had been known until relatively recently (Kleine, 1942). The insufficient exploration of this fairly small group of beetles on adjacent islands, Sakhalin and Hokkaido, as well as the continental Far East, does not permit a comparative analysis of it. But as in the case of other groups of insects inhabiting the Kuril Islands, an impression of relative wealth of the Lycidae is created because of the inhabitants of Kunashir, on which nearly all the species are concentrated. On the other hand, their composition is markedly impoverished on the other islands. Ecologically the Lycidae are associated with broadleaved-dark coniferous forests; therefore, their distribution on the Kuril Range is restricted to the southern islands (Kunashir, Shikotan, and Iturup), on which such forests flourish. Representatives of the family have not been encountered once beyond the borders of these islands. The largest number of species (19) has been observed on Kunashir, and 4 each on Shikotan and Iturup. Only 2 species (Macrolycus flabellatus Motsch. and Pristolycus sagulatus Gorham.) have been on these three islands; Lycostomus modestus Kies. and Dictyoptera aurora Herbst. on Shikotan and Kunashir; Platycis cosnardi raddensis Pic and Xylobanus ogumae Mats. only on Iturup; and the remaining species, on Kunashir. The representatives of the family Lycidae are in general not abundant, and in the conditions of the archipelago 15 species are rare, 5 are encountered sporadically, and only one, Aplatopterus septentrionalis Kôno, can be regarded as more or less common; it is encountered relatively frequently, but singly. This group of beetles is associated genetically with the tropical regions of East Asia and South America. It achieves considerable wealth in the Indo-Malaysian region and the Palaearchaearctic subregion of the Palaearctic. It is evidently precisely in the tropics, with their humid forests, that the fam. Lycidae was formed. Only particular representatives of it have penetrated into the moderate latitudes. Thus, of approximately 40 species of net-wing beetles known for the fauna of the USSR, only 5 are not encountered in the Palaearchaearctic. The zoogeographical character of the Kuril Lycidae, among which one species, Dictyoptera aurora Herbst., has a circumboreal distribution, and another, Pyropterus nigroruber Deg., a transpalaearctic distribution, is also instructive in this respect; the remaining 19 species are found within the limits of the Palaearchaearctic. They can be divided into three groups, which are inequivalent in number of species: the Manchurian (4 species), the Island (14), and Sino-Japanese (1). The Island group constitutes the principal nucleus of the fauna; it is divided into three subgroups: the Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese, the Kuril-Japanese, and the Kuril proper. The Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese subgroup includes 3 species, Benibotarus spinicoxis Kiesenw., Aplatopterus septentrionalis Kôno, and Xylobanus ogumae Mats., distributed on Sakhalin, the Southern Kurils, and Japan; further, X. ogumae Mats. has a narrower range, limited to Sakhalin, Iturup, and Hokkaido. The Kuril-Japanese subgroup also consists of 3 species, Aplatopterus lineatus Gorh., Pristolycus sagulatus Gorh., and Xylobanus japonicus Bourg.; of these, the first two are known only on the Kurils and Hokkaido. The Kuril proper subgroup consists of 8 species, recently described on the Kuril Islands (Medvedev, 1966), Macrolycus kurilensis L. Medv., Dictyoptera krivolutzkii L. Medv., D. pseudovelata L. Medv., Aplatopterus brunneorubens L. Medv., Cladophorus kurilensis L. Medv., Pyropterus barovskii L. Medv., Xylobanus kunasirensis L. Medv., and Plateros krivolutzkii L. Medv. It cannot be excluded that some of these species will be found on Hokkaido, and possibly on Sakhalin as well; some, on the other hand, may prove to be true Kuril endemics. By comparison with other groups of insects, in which as a rule the number of Kuril endemics is fairly small, and they are represented mainly by subspecies, the fam. Lycidae constitutes an exception. Judging by the abundance of endemic species of net winged beetles in China (more than 30), Japan (22), and on Sakhalin (3), we are witnesses to a recent process of morphogenesis taking place in this family with equal intensity on both continental East Asia and the islands. Some of the new forms identified by L. N. Medvedev, form, along with species which are close to them, kinship groups or paired species that are characterized by overlapping ranges, for example:
Kuril-Japanese; KH - Kuril-Hokkaido; and K - Kuril. Most likely, the species which have a narrow range, in this case the Kuril and Kuril-Hokkaido, are derivatives of more widely distributed species, and are therefore younger. The fact that all the endemic species have been found in coniferous-broadleaved forests only in the south and southwest of Kunashir is noteworthy. The Manchurian group is represented by three species: Macrolycus flabellatus Motsch., Lycostomus modestus Kies., and Platycis nasutus Kies., which are quite widely distributed on the continent. P. cosnardi raddensis Pic, whose range is insufficiently explored, gravitates toward this group. It has not been listed for Japan; it is known in Primorskiy Kray, the Amur basin, and on Iturup. The only representative of the Sino-Japanese group is Mesolycus atrorufus Kies.; when its range is more precisely defined, it may also prove to be a Manchurian species. The biology of the majority of the species of the family has been little studied; it is only known that their larvae develop in the dead wood of coniferous and leaved trees. Under the conditions of the archipelago, the biology is entirely unelucidated, due to the rare occurrence.
1. Macrolycus flabellatus Motsch. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 10-13, 1962, 1 spec., from tall herbaceous vegetation; env. of Lake Peschanoye, July 10, 1962, 1 spec., flood plain broadleaved forest; shore of Lake Goryacheye, July 17, 1962, 2 spec.; valley of the Lesnaya River, July 25, 1962, 1 spec.; P - env. of Kuril'sk, July 4, 1963, 1 spec.; Reydovoye set., August 3, 1963, 1 spec.; Sh - according to the data of H. Kôno (Kôno, 1932). Quite common on the Kuril Islands, but is encountered singly in mixed coniferous-broadleaved forests. The beetles fly in July-beginning of August; most often find their way to the leaves of herbaceous plants or deadwood. A Manchurian species, distinguished by a fairly wide range. Distributed on K, I, Sakhalin, in Primorskiy Kray, Mongolia, China (North East and Taiwan), on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Sikoku, Kyushu). +2. Macrolycus kurilensis L. Medv. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 12, 1962, 1 male, coniferous-broadleaved forest, from "Maximovich" alder. Very close to M. flabellatus Motsch. Described on K, where it is exceptionally rare. Belongs to the group of Kuril endemics. 3. Mesolycus atrorufus Kies. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 12, 1962, 2 spec., N. N. Filippov. Very rare on the islands. Species range is insufficiently explored, provisionally regarded as Sino-Japanese. Known on K, in China (Kleine, 1942, without precise localization of the find), and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Sikoku, Kyushu). 4. Lycostomus modestus Kies. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 10, 1962, 1 spec.; shore of Lake Goryacheye, July 18, 1962, 1 spec.; valley of the Lesnaya River, July 26-27, 1962, 3 spec., dark coniferous forest, felling site; env. of Sernovdosk set., July 30, 1961, 1 spec., leaved mixed forest; Okhotsk littoral near Stolbchatyy Cape, July 30, 1962, 1 spec.; Sh - according to the data of S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). The between are encountered sporadically during July. A Manchurian species, distributed on K, Sh, more widely in Japan (Hokkaido, Sikoku, Kyushu), known in North East China. 5. Benibotarus spinicoxis Kies. K - Alekhino set., July, 1962, 1 spec. S. Kuwayama also indicates the following find sites: the settlements of Tyatino, Goryachiy Plyazh, Alekhino. Very rare. Belongs to the subgroup of Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species. Known on K, Sakhalin, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Sikoku, Kyushu). !6. Dictyoptera aurora Herbst. K, Sh - according to the data of H. Kôno (Kôno, 1935b, 1937a). We have not found it on the islands; evidently rare. A circumboreal species. Distributed on K, Sh, Sakhalin, the Kamchatka Peninsula, in Primorskiy Kray, Siberia, Europe, on the Korean Peninsula, in Japan (Hokkaido), and North America. +7. Dictyoptera krivolutzkii L. Medv. K - env. of Kosmodem'yansk set. (Pacific Ocean coast), August 23, 1964, 1 male, dark coniferous forest. Described on K, where it is very rare. Belongs to the subgroup of Kuril endemics. +8. Dictyoptera pseudovelata L. Medv. K - env. of Sernovdosk set., July 25, 1962, 1 female, mixed forest; env. of Alekhino set., August 11, 1962, 1 female, mixed forest, on flowers. Like the preceding, described on K. Rare. Belongs to the subgroup of Kuril endemics. !9. Aplatopterus lineatus Gorh. K - Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigor'evo, Goryachiy Plyazh. Cited according to the data of Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). An Island, namely -Kuril-Hokkaido, species. Known on K and Hokkaido. 10. Aplatopterus septentrionalis Kôno. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 10, 1962, 1 spec., coniferous-broadleaved forest, on flowers; August 4, 1961, 1 spec.; env. of Sernovdosk set., July 25-30, 1961, 2 spec.; valley of the Lesnaya River, July 25, 1962, 1 spec.; Mendeleev Volcano, July 26, 1962, 1 spec., in spruce-fir forest; env. of Tret'yakovo set., July 30, 1962, 1 spec.; env. of Kosmodem'yansk set., August 28, 1964, 1 spec., dark coniferous forest. S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) lists several more find sites on K: Tyatya Volcano, Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigor'evo, Goryachiy Plyazh. Common on K, but is encountered singly; not observed on other islands. The beetles fly during July and August. A Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species. Distributed on Hokkaido and Honshu in Japan. +11. Aplatopterus brunneorubens L. Medv. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 11, 1962, 2 males, 1 female, coniferous-broadleaved forest, on flowers; env. of Kosmodem'yansk set. (Pacific Ocean coast), August 23, 1964, 1 male, 1 female, dark coniferous forest. In the opinion of L. N. Medvedev, who described this species, it had possibly been accepted by Japanese entomologists as A. lineatus Gorh., to which it is very close. Encountered sporadically in July and August. Is a Kuril endemic. +12. Cladophorus kurilensis L. Medv. K - flood plain of the Lesnaya River, July 28, 1962, 1 male, on felling site in dark coniferous forest; env. of Alekhino set., August 11, 1962, 1 male, on flowers. The genus was previously known only in China (Kansu Province). A Kuril species. 13. Pyropterus nigroruber Deg. K - valley of the Lesnaya River, July 25, 1962, 1 spec.; env. of Kosmodem'yansk set. (Pacific Ocean coast), August 23, 1964, 1 spec., coniferous mixed forest. Rare on the Kurils, encountered only in the very south of the Range. A Transpalaearctic species, distributed on K, Sakhalin, in Siberia, Europe, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). The range is evidently not fully elucidated. +14. Pyropterus barovskii L. Medv. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 10, 1962, 1 female, dark coniferous-broadleaved forest. Exceptionally rare. Belongs to the subgroup of Kuril endemics. !15. Platycis nasutus Kies. K - according to the data of H. Kôno (Kôno, 1937a). We have not found it; evidently very rare. Assigned provisionally to the Japanese-Manchurian group, since the range is not entirely clear. Known on K, in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Sikoku, Kyushu), China (Taiwan and continental), and the Altay (Kleine, 1942). L. N. Medvedev conjectures that this species may turn out to be a synonym of P. cosnardi raddensis Pic. 16. Platycis cosnardi raddensis Pic. I - Lesozavodskiy Neck, July 24, 1963, 1 spec., coniferous mixed forest. Very rare on the Kurils. The range is insufficiently explored. Known on I, in Primorskiy Kray and the Amur basin. The species will most likely turn out to be Manchurian. !17. Xylobanus ogumae Mats. I - Kuril'sk (Kôno, 1932); we have not encountered it. Described on Sakhalin; later found on I and Hokkaido. Very close to the Kuril species X. kunasirensis L. Medv. Belongs to a separate Sakhalin-Kuril-Hokkaido subgroup. 18. Xylobanus japonicus Bourg. K - env. of Kosmodem'yansk set. (Pacific Ocean coast), August 28, 1964, 1 spec., dark coniferous mixed forest. Exceptionally rare on the Kurils. A Kuril-Japanese species. Known on K and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). +19. Xylobanus kunasirensis L. Medv. K - env. of Alekhino set., June 29, 1962, 1 female; env. of Sernovdosk set., July 25, 1962, 1 female; shore of Lake Goryacheye, July 16, 1962, 1 female, in broadleaved and coniferous-broadleaved forests. Encountered sporadically, but singly. A Kuril species. 20. Pristolycus sagulatus Gorh. K - env. of Lake Lagunnoye, 1955, 2 spec., N. N. Filippov; I - Kuril'sk (Kôno, 1932); Sh - Malokuril'sk set. (Kuwayama, 1967). A Kuril-Hokkaido species; rare on the Kuril Range. +21. Plateros krivolutzkii L. Medv. K - foot of Mendeleev Volcano, July 25, 1962, 1 female, in felling site; env. of Kosmodem'yansk set., August 28, 1964, 1 female, coniferous forest. Like all the Kuril endemics, encountered rarely. | ||||||
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