CHAPTER 3 SECTION 4. Order HETEROPTERA (true bugs, or hemipterans) Information on the hemipterans of the Kuril Islands has until recently been limited to several descriptions of new species from individual islands (Matsamura, 1926b) or indications of a find on the archipelago (Kirichenko, 1955, 1959; Kerzhner, 1962, 1964a, 1964b, 1968, etc.). There have been no special studies on this question. Only in recent years have 49 species of bugs been cited in S. Kuwayama's compendium on the insects of the Southern Kuril Islands (Kuwayama, 1967). Our materials and the collections of a number of Soviet investigators ( N. N. Konakov, N. A. Violovich, O. A. Skarlato, A. A. Strelkov, V. M. Ermolenko, G. Sh. Lafer, K. B. Gorodkov, É. P. Narchuk, Rikhter, M. N. Meyer, V. I. Kuznetsov, E. M. Danzig, V. N. Vasil'ev, N. N. Filippov, G. S. Zolotarenko, V. V. Nikolaev, etc.), graciously presented to us by I. M. Kerzhner, have made it possible to amplify this list substantially, increasing it to 130 species, which is obviously also not its limit. All the hemipterans collected have been identified by I. M. Kerzhner and T. L. Yachevskiy. Information on the general distribution has been borrowed from the studies of A. N. Kirchenko (1913, 1951), B. F. Oshanin (Oshanin, 1906-1910), W. Stichel (Stichel, 1955-1962), I. M. Kerzhner (1962, 1964a, 1964b, 1966, 1968), A. I. Cherepanov and A. N. Kirchenko (1962), S. A. Kulik (1965a, 1965b, 1967a, 1967b), T. Esaki and K. Takeuchi (Esaki, Takeuchi, 1964), and S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). The collections of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences were also used to define the distribution of particular species more precisely. In all 130 species of bugs, belonging to 17 families and 84 genera have been observed on the Kuril archipelago: Corixidae (3 species), Gerridae (3), Saldidae (4), Nabidae (7), Anthocoridae (4), Miridae (61), Tingidae (2), Reduviidae (2), Aradidae (6), Berytidae (1), Lygaeidae (13), Rhopalidae (1), Coreidae (1), Urostylidae (1), Cydnidae (1), Acanthosomatidae (10), and Pentatomidae (10). Of these, 3 genera and 14 species have proven to be new to science (Kerzhner in litt.), the identification of 5 species occasions doubt (of these, 2 have not been included in the systematic list), 13 species were identified to the generic level, and the establishment of their taxonomic status is in need of revision. At the present time, a number of genera require revision; therefore, the identification of the species belonging to them has proven to be very difficult, especially due to the lack of comparative materials from Japan, sometimes in connection with the small number of specimens collected. The hemipteran fauna, which so rich in Japan and in the continental Far East, where 365 species are known (Kulik, 1967a), is noticeably impoverished on the Kuril Range. Although the available collection can hardly claim exhaustive completeness and the scope of the bug fauna in the archipelago may increase somewhat with further investigations, the existing disproportion will undoubtedly be preserved. Thus far representatives of Pyrrhocoridae (red bugs), Piesmatidae (beet bugs), and other families encountered in Primorskiy and Khabarovskiy Krays and in Japan have not been recorded on the islands. It can be expected they will be found in the Southern Kurils, as can an increase in the number of species in other families. The distribution of the hemipterans on the islands of the Kuril Range is uneven; it corresponds to the overall regularity that is also characteristic for other groups of insects:
However, it should be borne in mind that the number of species on the central and northern islands of the archipelago should increase somewhat in the future, since they have not been studied as well on the southern islands, especially Kunashir. The hemipteran fauna of each of the southern islands has its own specific character. Apart from the bugs which are distributed on several islands (there are 54 such), there are species which have only been observed on one island. There are 61 such species on Kunashir; 2 on Iturup; 9 on Shikotan; and 1 on Urup. Representatives of the fam. Miridae are more widespread than others on the Kuril Range. They comprise more than half on Shikotan (29 species out of 51), slightly less than half of all species on Kunashir (48 out of 108), Iturup (14 out of 29), and Urup (5 out of 9), and nearly all the hemipteran fauna on the small islands of the Malaya Kuril'skaya Range [Lesser Kuril Range]. Some of these (Lygocoris longiusculus Kulik, L. lucorum M.-D., L. spinolai M.-D., Lygus saundersi Reut., Orthocephalus funestus Jak., Plagiognathus arbustorum Panz.) are quite common, while the rest are few in number or rare; many have been collected only once or twice. All the new genera and the majority of the new species (9) also belong to the fam. Miridae. Other bug families (Nabidae, Reduviidae, Aradidae, Lygaeidae, Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Cydnidae, Pentatomidae, Tingidae, Urostylidae) within the limits of the Kuril Range are distributed considerably more narrowly, and are concentrated nearly exclusively on Kunashir and Shikotan, and 50 species have been observed in the southern region of Kunashir. The stink bugs and shield bugs (the families Acanthosomatidae and Pentatomidae) that live in the dark coniferous-broadleaved forests and broadleaved-dark coniferous forests of Kunashir, and partially Iturup and Shikotan, are distinguished by comparatively high population sizes. These are Acanthosoma spinicolle Jak., Elasmostethus interstinctus L., E. humeralis Jak., Elasmucha amurensis Kerzh., E. dorsalis Jak., Carbula humerigera Uhl., and Palomena angulosa Motsch. They are all wide oligophages or polyphages associated with leaved varieties (alder, birch, "Sakhalin" cherry, etc.), shrubs, and herbaceous vegetation, mainly with tall herbaceous vegetation. In terms of origin, they nearly all belong to Far East or Japanese fauna. The family of assassin bugs (Reduviidae), richly represented in the tropics, does not penetrate north of Kunashir. Of the two species observed here, Velinoides dilatatus Mats. is very rare and found only on the southwest coast in warmer microclimatic conditions, while the more widespread eastern palaearctic Rhynocoris leucospilus Stål is fairly common on the entire southern half of the island. This family is richer in species in Japan. The aquatic bugs on the Kurils are few in number and are represented by the boatmen (3 species) and the water skaters (3). The boatman, Sigara (Arctocorisa) sp., has been observed only in Lake Goryacheye on Kunashir, where it lives en masse. The remaining 2 species have been cited by Japanese: one (Corixa sp.) is found on Kunashir; the other (Sigara nigroventralis Mats.) is found on Iturup. The water skaters typically keep together in smallish groups in shallow bodies of water (puddles, small bogs, small lakes). Two of them (Limnoporus rufoscutellatus Latr. and Gerris gracilicornis yezoensis Miy.) are known on three southern islands, Shikotan, Kunashir, and Iturup; Gerris paludum F. is known only on Kunashir. The shore bugs (Saldidae), which live along the shores of freshwater bodies - rivers, streams, and bogs, and on sea shores, are represented by four widespread species. They are observed on various parts of the range, from the southern to the northern islands, but everywhere singly. When this family is explored, the number of its species on the archipelago will undoubtedly increase. Unfortunately, special ecological investigations on the bugs have not been carried out. Therefore, it does not seem possible to provide a thorough ecological characterization of the Kuril bugs at the present time. But overall, the fauna of the terrestrial hemipterans of the Kuril Islands may be characterized as mesophilic. Among the bugs we collected, about 2/3 of the species are associated with various forest biotopes, where they live on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. About 20 species live on meadows and open spaces; of these, Paraplesius unicolor Scott is evidently associated with Kuril bamboo; 9 species are typical hygrophils, living in moist areas in the forest or close to bodies of water. The biotopic delimitation of a number of rare species which have been collected singly has remained unelucidated. Thus far the zoogeographical character of the hemipteran fauna of the Kuril archipelago can only be judged approximately, since the material collected cannot be considered exhaustive or fully analyzed - species affiliation has not been established for 13 species (10%), and also since the boundaries of the ranges of many species, especially the eastern, is still insufficiently examined. Nevertheless, even now the data we have at our disposal make it possible to distinguish, among the Kuril hemipterans, zoogeographical groups that point to the territorial associations of the fauna and its origin. Two principal complexes can be distinguished on the basis of the character of the ranges of the Kuril bugs - a boreal and a palaearctic, which in their turn are divided into a number of finer groupings (Table 4). In addition, particular species are distributed beyond the boundaries of the Palaearctic and the Nearctic, but they are isolated and cannot be regarded as zoogeographical elements which are characteristic for the Kurils. The Boreal complex combines groups of forest species with ranges extended latitudinally to various degrees - the holarctic, transpalaearctic, Angaran, and Beringian ranges. This complex comprises more than a third (46 species) of the Kuril hemipteran fauna. The majority of its representatives live on the southern islands, but particular species are encountered along the entire Range, from the southernmost to the northernmost islands. Species which are widespread in the forest zone of the Palaearctic and the Nearctic are included in the holarctic group: Limnoporus rufoscutellatus Latr., Salda littoralis L., Saldula opacula Zett., Nabicula flavomarginata Scholtz., Polymerus unifasciatus F., Lygocoris pabulinus L., Teratocoris saundersi Dgl. et Sc., Leptopterna dolabrata L., Plagiognathus arbustorum Panz., Kleidocerys resedae Panz., Elasmostethus interstinctus L., and Dolycoris baccarum L. Species that are mainly distributed in the forest zone of the Palaearctic, from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, belong to the transpalaearctic group: Gerris paludum F., Saldula fuscicola J. Sahlb.., Stahlia daurica Kir., Dolichonabis limbatus Dahlb., Monalocoris filicis L., Lygocoris lucorum M.-D., L. spinolai M.-D., Adelphocoris quadripunctatus F., Phytocoris nowickyi Fieb., Stenotus? binotus F., Stenodema calcaratum Fall., Trigonotylus ruficornis Geoffr., Cyrtorhinus caricis Fall., Plagiognathus ? albipennis Fall., Tingis crispata H.-S., Metatropis rufescens H.-S., Lygaeus equestris L., Cymus obliquus Horv., Lamproplax piceus Flor, Rhopalus maculatus Fieb., Elasmucha fieberi Jak., Pentatoma rufipes L., Picromerus bidens L., and Arma custos F. Among these, only one, Stahlia daurica Kir., is a steppe species. We assign the amphipalaearctic species, Pachybrachius luridus Hahn, which is known in the forest zone of Europe, the Amur basin, and Primorskiy Kray, to the same group. Species whose ranges are mainly within the limits of Southern Siberia, from the Altai to the Pacific Ocean, including Northern Mongolia, North East China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan, are included in the Angaran group. Of these, only Elasmucha dorsalis Jak. is unknown on the Korean Peninsula and Japan; the majority, i.e., Acanthosoma denticauda Jak., A. spinicolle Jak., and Adelphocoris triannulatus Stål, and a subspecies of the transpalaearctic species Caspodes gothicus graeseri Reut., do not penetrate further north than 55° N or west of the Altai; only Rhynocoris leucospilus Stål reaches the latitude of Yakutsk to the north, while Acanthosoma spinicolle Jak. reaches the Dzhungarskiy and the Zailiyskiy Alatau to the west along the mountain chains. The Beringian group is represented by just one species, Irbisia sericans Stål, which is known on the Northern Kurils, Kamchatka, the Komandorskiye Islands, and North America. This bug is quite numerous on Paramushir, but it is not encountered further south. The species that are included in the palaearchaearctic complex are limited in their distribution to the borders of the Palaearchaearctic, but we have divided them provisionally on the basis of the character of the ranges into three groups: the Manchurian, the Ussuri-Island, and the Island. They form the principal nucleus of the bug fauna of the Kuril archipelago (68 species). It is difficult at the present time to judge the limits of the ranges of these species with confidence; their distribution has been far from adequately studied, both in the continental Far East and Japan. Therefore, when additional data have been obtained, the scope of the groups cited may change. In particular, some Ussuri-Island and Island species may prove to be Manchurian. The representatives of this complex are concentrated in the southern region of the Range, and have not been observed north of Urup. The Manchurian group consists of species that are distributed in the Amur basin and on the territories of China and Korea adjacent to it, as well as in Japan, on Sakhalin, and the Kurils (Reuteronabis reuteri Jak., Nabis stenoferus Hsiao, Lygadelphus rubripes Jak., Lygocoris hilaris Horv., Lygus disponsi Lnv., L. saundersi Reut., Eurystylus coelistialium Kirk., Adelphocoris suturalis Jak., Stenotus rubrovittatus Mats., Orthocephalus funestus Jak., Velinoides dilatatus Mats., Aradus consentaneus Horv., A. melas Jak., Stigmatonotum rufipes Motsch., Graptopeltus japonicus Stål, Urostylis annulicornis Scott, Macroscytus japonensis Scott, Acanthosoma labiduroides Jak., Elasmostethus humeralis Jak., Graphosoma rubrolineatum Westw., Palomena angulosa Motsch., Dinorhynchus dybowskii Jak.). Some of the species included in this group are thus far unknown in Japan. These are Arbolygus potanini Reut., Lygocoris furvus Kerzh., Systellonotus malaisei Lindb., Plagiognathus gilvus Kulik, Trichodrymus pameroides Lindb., and Elasmucha amurensis Kerzh. Acanthosoma expansum Horv., which has a Sino-Japanese distribution, and the water skater, Gerris gracilicornis yezoensis Miy., which is a Manchurian subspecies of a species which is widespread in Japan, China, Thailand, and India, border on this group. The group of Ussuri-Island species is not very large (12), but is characterized by a distinctive range, which encompasses the eastern part of the Ussuri basin (mainly the Sikhote-Alin' and its spurs) and the islands, including the Japanese. Many recently described species whose range is so far inadequately explored have been provisionally assigned to this group: Limnonabis ussuriensis Kerzh., L. demissus Kerzh., Temnostethus distans Kerzh., Bryocoris montanus Kerzh., Mecommopsis cruciatus Kerzh., Deraeocoris ainoicis Kerzh., Lygocoris hoberlandti Kulik, L. longiusculus Kulik, Aradus pictellus Kerzh., Aneurus macrotylus Jak., Dimorphopterus thoracicus Jak., and Iodinus ferrugineus Lindb. It cannot be excluded that some of these will be found in North East China. The Island group is formed of species whose range does not exceed the boundaries of the islands, and only in isolated instances takes in the Korean Peninsula. However, the breadth of the distribution of the island species is uneven, and they form several subgroups differing in their ranges. We distinguish the Kuril-Japanese species, some of which are distributed mainly in Japan and enter the Southern Kuril Islands only singly (Sigara nigroventralis Mats., Bilia esakii Car. et Miy., Monalocoris japonicus Lnv., Lygocoris idoneus Lnv., L. nigronasutus Stål, L. nigritulus Lnv., Adelphocoris variabilis Uhl., Phytocoris ohataensis Lnv., Geocoris proteus Dist., Paraplesius unicolor Scott); others (Anthocoris myamotoi Hiura, Lygocoris honshuensis Lnv., Lygus flavigenis Horv., Creontiades tricolor Scott) are quite common both in Japan and in the Southern Kurils (of these, Lygus flavigenis Horv. is, in essence, Kuril-Hokkaido). The Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese subgroup comprises species encountered in the southern region of Sakhalin, in the Southern Kurils, and in Japan (Lygocoris pabulinoides Lnv., L. lobatus Lnv., Erimiris tenuicornis Miy. et Has., Dolichomiris kuwayamai Miy., Physatocheila orientis Drake, Elasmucha signoretiScott, Eysarcoris lewisi Scott, Carbula humerigera Uhl., Eurydema rugosa Motsch., Mermitolocerus annulipes prasinus Reut.). The Sakhalin-Kuril subgroup is represented by only one species, Orthotylus emiliae Kerzh., known only on Sakhalin and Kunashir. The Kuril proper species subgroup includes new species found only on the Southern Kuril Islands (Lygocoris nigrovirens Kerzh., L. rubescens Kerzh., Harpocera orientalis Kerzh., Aneurus insularis Kerzh., A. flaberrimus Kerzh.). They may be regarded as provisional endemics, since it cannot be excluded that they may be found on Sakhalin, Japan, and even the continent. Saldula pallipes F., known in Asia, Africa, North and Central America, is distinguished by a nearly worldwide distribution. Among the Kuril bugs, only 16 species can be considered common, at least
on the southern portion of the archipelago; only three species of stink
and shield bugs (Acanthosoma spinicolle Jak.,
Elasmostethus humeralis
Jak., and Carbula humerigera Uhl.) are numerous in the southern
part of Kunashir, where they may be classed as landscape forms.
Family CORIXIDAE (water boatman)
1. Corixa (Hesperocorixa) sp. K - Yuzhno-Kurilsk set., larvae (Kuwayama, 1967). 2. Sigara (Arctocorisa) sp. K - Lake Goryacheye, July 17, 1962, 3 males, 25 females. Bugs keep together in a large number on shores; when frightened they swim off to the deep water in large swarms. 3. Sigara nigroventralis Mats. I
- villages of
Kuibyshevo and Slavnoye-Medvezhye (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found
it. Widespread in Japan, known in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Family GERRIDAE (water skaters)
4. Limnoporus rufoscutellatus Latr. K - Cape Gemerling, villages of Yuzhno-Kurilsk and Alekhino; Sh - Cape Nepokorennyy - Snezhkov Bight (Kuwayama, 1967); I - Lesozavodskiy Neck, env. of Reydovoye set., July 24-August 3, 1963, 10 spec. (imagines, larvae); stay together in groups. Transpalearctic species. Distributed in the forest zone from Europe to the Pacific Ocean. Citations for Alaska require checking. *5. Gerris (Aquarius) paludum F.K - env. of Sernovodsk set., July 24, 1962, 1 male, 1 female, in a puddle. Transpalearctic species, invading the Korean Peninsula, in China up to Taiwan, widespread in Japan. A very close vicariant of it is known in North America. 6. Gerris (s. str.) gracilicornis yezoensis
Miy. K
- Tretyakovo set., June 13, 1968, 1 female, É. P. Narchuk; Sh
- env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 25, 1963, 1 male, 2 females; I -
Kuybyshevo set., according to the data of S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967).
Subspecies is known in Japan, Primorskiy Kray (collections of the Zoological
Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences), and on the Kuril Islands.
*7. Salda littoralis L. K - Alekhino set., 1968, E. M. Danzig; I - env. of Reydovoye set., August 3, 1963, 1 spec.; P - env. of Severo-Kurilsk, July 16, 1964, 2 spec. Collected along the shores of freshwater bodies. Holarctic species; distributed in the USSR from Arkhangelskaya Oblast eastward to the Kamchatka Peninsula inclusively, southward to the Crimea and the Caucasus. 8. Saldula saltatoria L. K - eastern shore close to Cape Petrov, August 27, 1964, 1 spec., moist area of mixed forest. Transpalearctic species. The mention made by S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) of finding S. fucicola J. Sahlb. on K may relate to this species. 9. Saldula opacula Zett. K - Golovnino set. (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found it. Has a circumboreal distribution, known on K, in Japan (Honshu), Siberia, Europe, Alaska, and North America. *10. Saldula pallipes F. U - July 3, 1954, 1
spec., N.
A. Violovich. Listed for the first time for the Kurils. It is distinguished
by a wide, nearly cosmopolitan range. Known in Asia, Africa, North and
South America (Alaska, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile).
11. Stalia daurica Kir. (= Nabis kurilensis Mats.). I - according to the data of S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). Steppe species, whose range is insufficiently explored. Known on Iturup, in Siberia, Tien Shan, the Ukraine, Turkey, Mongolia, China, and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu). 12. Limnonabis ussuriensis Kerzh. K - Golovnino set. (Kuwayama, 1967); Sh - Krabozavodsk set., September 19, 1968, 1 female, K. B. Gorodkov; September 3-5, 1953, 1 male, 2 females, N. N. Filippov. Described recently on the basis of collections from Primorskiy Kray and from the Kuril Islands (Kerzhner, 1962). We have assigned it to the Ussuri-Island zoogeographical group. 13. Limnonabis ? demissus Kerzh. K - Golovnino set. (Kuwayama, 1967). Identification requires checking. L. demissus has been described from Primorskiy Kray (Kerzhner, 1968). As in the case of the preceding species, provisionally assigned to the Ussuri-Island group of species. *14. Dolichonabis americolimbatus Car. Sh - August 16, 1971, 5 spec., É. P. Narchuk. Eastern holarctic species; thus far not known in Japan. *15. Nabicula flavomarginata Scholtz. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 5, 8, 1962-1965, 3 females, G. O. Krivolutskaya, V. M. Ermolenko; Tretyakovo set., August 13, 1968, 1 female, M. N. Meyer. Hunts on meadows. Holarctic species. *16. Reuteronabis reuteri Jak. K - Golovnino set., September 27, 1968, 1 female, K. B. Gorodkov. Manchurian species. Distributed on Sakhalin, in the Amur Basin, Primorskiy Kray, North East China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan. 17. Nabis stenoferus Hsiao. K
- Mendeleevo set., env.
of Lake Lagunnoye, Golovnino set., April, September 1968, 2 males, 5 females,
É. P. Narchuk, K. B. Gorodkov; Sh - settlements of Malokurilsk
and Krabozavodsk, June, September 1968, 2 males, 7 females, K. B. Gorodkov,
É. P. Narchuk. Belongs to the Manchurian group. In addition to the
Kuril Islands, it is known in Primorskiy Kray, Eastern China, the Korean
Peninsula, and in Japan (widely).
*18. Temnostethus distans Kerzh. I - env. of Lesozavodsk set., August 28, 1961, 1 spec.; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 24, 1963, 1 male. Encountered on "Maksimowich" alder and herbaceous plants. Ussuri-Island species, found also in Primorskiy Kray. *19. Anthocoris miyamotoi Hiura. K - Alekhino set., V. I. Kuznetsov, E. M. Danzig; Sh - settlements of Malokurilsk and Krabozavodsk, southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, Myagkaya Bight, July, August 1965-1968, V. M. Ermolenko, N. G. Vasilyev; I - env. of Kurilsk, August 5, 1963, 1 male. An Island, specifically Kuril-Japanese species. Described (Hiura, 1959) on the islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido. 20. Acompocoris sp. U - env. of Podgornyy set., August 2, 1946, 1 male, 1 female, N. N. Konakov; August 12, 1963, 1 male; P - Severo-Kurilsk, September 8, 1968, 1 female, K. B. Gorodkov. This species has thus far been collected only on the Kuril Islands. *21. Bilia esakii Car. et Miy. K
- Sernovodsk set., June
8, 1968, 15 spec. (males, females), on the inferior aspect of leaves of
hellebore, É. P. Narchuk. Lives in forest biotopes. Japanese-Kuril
species, the northern boundary of whose range is evidently K .
The largest family of bugs. More than 650 species have been counted in the USSR (Kerzhner and Yachevskiy, 1964). 141 species have been counted in Eastern Siberia, 110 species in the continental Far East (within the limits of the USSR) (Kulik, 1965b). On the Kurils, 61 species have been observed; this constitutes about 50% of all of the hemipteran fauna on the islands. *22. Bryocoris montanus Kerzh. Sh - southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, June 5, 1965, sere (males, females), V. M. Ermolenko. Collected in forest biotopes on fern. In addition to Sh, known in the southern regions of Sikhote Alin. Assigned to the Ussuri-Island zoogeographical group. 23. Bryocoris sp. (Kuwayama, 1967). K - Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigoryevo and Yuzhno-Kurilsk (Kuwayama, 1967). It cannot be excluded that this species, cited by S. Kuwayama, will prove to be B. montanus Kerzh. *24. Monalocoris filicis L. K - Mendeleevo set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Alekhino set., June-July 1955, 1968, 3 spec., a number of collectors; Sh - Tsyboy Bight, August 24, 1947, 1 spec., O. A. Skarlato. Inhabitant of forest biotopes, lives on fern. Transpalearctic species. 25. Monalocoris japonicus Lnv. K - Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigoryevo and Sernovodsk (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not encountered it on the islands. Distributed throughout all of Japan; also listed for the southwest region of Taiwan. Possibly an erroneous identification of the preceding species. *26. Mecommopsis cruciatus Kerzh. (in litt.). K - Yuzhno-Kurilsk, August 17, 1965, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko. Assigned to the Ussuri-Island group of species, since it is also known on Sakhalin and in Primorskiy Kray (Kedrovaya Pad). *27. Deraeocoris ainoicius Kerzh. (in litt.). Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 24-28,1963, 3 spec.; I - Pacific Ocean littoral south of the Burevestnik set., August 27, 1961, 2 spec.; U - env. of Podgornyy set., August 12, 1963, 1 spec. Representatives of the genus are predators. This new species is also an Ussuri-Island species. According to available data, its range encompasses the southern region of the Kuril Range, Sakhalin, and Sikhote Alin. 28. Capsus sp. 1. Sh - Shikotan Mountain, July 23, August 5, 1965, 1 male, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko. Distinguished by red coloring of the legs. 29. Capsus sp. 2. K - Sernovodsk set., July 21-24, 1968, 4 spec., G. S. Zolotarenko; env. of Kosmodem'yansk set., August 24, 1964, 1 spec.; Sh - foot of Shikotan Mountain, Malokuril'sk set., July 23-27, 1965, 2 males, V. M. Ermolenko; I - Goryachiye Klyuchi set., env. of Lesozavodsk set., July 14-25, 1963, 5 spec.; south shore, July 31, 1965, 1 male, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko. Quite common on the Kurils. Distinguished by black coloring of the legs. Capsus ater L., cited for the Kurils by S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967), in the opinion of I. M. Kerzhner, has been identified incorrectly; evidently the specimens which were at the disposal of S. Kuwayama belong to one of our Capsus sp. 30. Polymerus (Poeciloscytus) unifasciatus F. K - Alekhino set. (Kuwayama, 1967); Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 25, 1963, 1 spec.; I - south coast, July 31, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. It is known that it feeds on bedstraw (Galium). Holarctic species. 31. Arbolygus (gen. n.) potanini Reut. (Lygus). K - Alekhino set., August 10, 1965, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko. Manchurian species, whose range is insufficiently studied. Known in Primorskiy Kray and China (Szechwan). Lives on trees. 32. Lygadelphus (gen. n.) rubripes Jak. (Adelphocoris ). K - Alekhino set., August 10, 1965, 1 male, V. M. Ermolenko. Belongs to the Manchurian zoogeographical group. Range of the species, in addition to K, encompasses Primorskiy Kray, North East China, and all of Japan. On trees. 33. Lygocoris (s. str.) pabulinus L. K - env. of Lake Lagunnoye, July 27, 1961, 1 spec.; Pacific Ocean coast close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., August 27, 1964, 2 spec.; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 27, 1963, 1 spec.; I - Rubetsu River, August 23, 1946, 1 male, N. N. Konakov. Lives on various herbaceous plants in moist sites. Holarctic species. Distributed in the forest zone of the Palearctic, including China and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu), and in North America. 34. Lygocoris (s. str.) pabulinoides Lnv. K - env. of Lake Lagunnoye, July 25, 1955, 1 male, N. A. Violovich; Alekhino set., August 7, 1965, 1 male, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko; Tyatya Volcano, Cape Gemerling, Grigoryevo set. (Kuwayama, 1967); Sh - August 29, 1949, 1 spec., A. A. Strelkov; Yu - September 9, 1953, 1 male, N. A. Violovich. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species. In addition to the Kurils, known on Sakhalin and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). 35. Lygocoris (s. str.) idoneus Lnv. K - Tyatya Volcano, Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigoryevo, Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Goryachiy Plyazh, and Sernovodsk (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found it on the islands. Kuril-Japanese species, whose range encompasses the islands of K, Hokkaido, and Honshu. *36. Lygocoris (Neolygus) hoberlandti Kulik. K - Alekhino set., August 10, 1965, 1 male, V. M. Ermolenko. Belongs to the Ussuri-Island group. Besides K, known in Primorskiy Kray, where it was described (Kulik, 1965c). *37. Lygocoris (Neolygus) honshuensis Lnv. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 3, 1961, 1 female; shore of Lake Kipyashcheye, August 2, 1961, 1 female, on groundsel (Senecio sp.); Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 22, 1963, 1 male; I - Pacific Ocean coast south of the Burevestnik set., August 27, 1961, 1 male. An Island, specifically Kuril-Japanese species. 38. Lygocoris (Neolygus)lobatus Lnv. K - Tyatya Volcano, Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigoryevo, Yuzhno-Kurilsk, and Goryachiy Plyazh; I - Kasatka Bight (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found it. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species. *39. Lygocoris (Neolygus) longiusculus Kulik. K - valley of the Prozrachnyy stream (Pacific Ocean coast), August 26, 1964, 22 spec.; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 22, 1963, 2 spec.; I - Lesozavodskiy Neck, August 27, 1961, 1 male, 1 female. It is encountered quite frequently on the Southern Kuril Islands in flood-plain and valley, primarily leafed forests; was collected on "Maksimowich" alder, mulberry, and willow. Described by S. A. Kulik (1965c) in Primorskiy Kray, where it lives on "hirsute" alder [Alnus hirsuta?]. Assigned to the Ussuri-Island zoogeographical group. 40. Lygocoris(Neolygus) sp. n. (pr. longiusculus Kulik). Sh - Malokuril'sk set., southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, July 26, August 5, 1965, 8 spec. On climbing hydrangea, V. M. Ermolenko. 41. Lygocoris (Neolygus) spp. (indet.). K - Sernovodsk set., July 29, 1961, 1 female; S - env. of Skalistyy set., September 9, 1964, 1 female. *42. Lygocoris (Apolygus) lucorum M.-D. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 10, 1962, 1 spec., Pacific Ocean coast close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., August 27, 1964, 1 spec.; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., Shikotan Mountain, outside detection dates August 15-September 21, 15 spec., a number of collectors; Z - August 2, 1955, 2 spec., N. A. Violovich; August 28, 1968, 1 spec., N. G. Vasilyev; Yu - September 9, 1955, N. A. Violovich; T - August 15, 1968, 1 spec., N. G. Vasilyev. Collected from various herbaceous plants. Quite common in the southern region of the archipelago. Transpalearctic species. *43. Lygocoris (Apolygus) spinolai M.-D. K - Golovnino set., September 27, 1968, 1 male, 1 female, K. B. Gorodkov; Sh - August 15, 1968, 1 spec., N. G. Vasilyev; Z - August 2, 1955, August 28, 1968, 3 spec., N. A. Violovich, N. G. Vasilyev; T - August 19, 1968, 4 spec., N. G. Vasilyev; U - env. of Podgornyy set., August 8-15, 1963, 3 spec., S - env. of Skalistyy set., September 9, 1964, 3 females. Fairly common on the Kurils, but not in large numbers. Belongs to the group of transpalearctic species. 44. Lygocoris (Apolygus) nigronasutus Stål. K - settlements of Yuzhno-Kurilsk and Sernovodsk; I - Kuybyshevo set., Kasatka Bight. We have not found it on the islands; cited according to the data of S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). Insufficiently elucidated species known in Eastern Siberia, Primorskiy Kray, on the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, and Kyushu, and from North China. Most probably, this is L. lucorum M.-D. or L. spinolai M.-D. *45. Lygocoris (Apolygus) nigrovirens Kerzh. (in litt.). K - env. of Alekhino set., August 8, 1965, 4 spec., on fern, V. M. Ermolenko; August 26, 1966, 3 spec., the Dorokhovs; Sernovodsk set., July 24, 1968, 3 spec., G. S. Zolotarenko; I - Pacific Ocean coast south of the Burevestnik set., August 27, 1961, 1 female. It cannot be excluded that this new species will be found in Japan, but thus far it is included in the subgroup of Kuril endemics. *46. Lygocoris (Apolygus) hilaris Horv. Sh - MyagkayaBight, August 16, 1968, 1 female, N. G. Vasilyev. Manchurian species, whose range encompasses Sh, Primorskiy Kray, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. *47. Lygocoris (Apolygus) furvus Kerzh. K - Alekhino set., August 11, 1968, 3 spec., G. S. Zolotarenko; Sh - env. of Cape Kray Sveta, August 27, 1963, 1 male. This new species is Manchurian, it is distributed in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, on Sakhalin, and on the Southern Kurils. 48. Lygocoris (Apolygus) nigritulus Lnv. K - Yuzhno-Kurilsk set. (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found it. Possibly an erroneous identification of the preceding species. Known on the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, and Kyushu. *49. Lygocoris (Apolygus)rubescens Kerzh. (in litt.). K - env. of Alekhino set., July 31, 1961, 1 male, on grass; August 7, 1965, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko. Kuril species, known only on K, where it was in fact described. 50. Lygus disponsi Lnv. K - Alekhino set., August 21, 1963, 1 female, G. Sh. Lafer; August 10, 1968, 1 spec., G. S. Zolotarenko; Golovnino set. (Kuwayama, 1967); Sh - according to the data of S. Kuwayama. Manchurian species. In addition to the Southern Kuril Islands, distributed on Sakhalin, in Primorskiy Kray, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Hokkaido). *51. Lygus flavigenis Horv. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 7, 1962, 1 male, broad-leaved forest, on "saxifrage tassel flower". An Island species, known only on K and Hokkaido. 52. Lygus saundersi Reut. K - env. of Alekhino set., Sernovodsk set., env. of Mendeleevo set., Golovnino set., outside detection dates June 3-September 27, 25 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., Anama and Tsyboy bights, outside detection dates June 13-September 21, 19 spec. in all, a number of collectors. Fairly common in the south of the Kuril Range. Encountered all summer, more numerous in July-August. Belongs to the Manchurian group. Distributed on K, Sh, Sakhalin, in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, North East China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). 53. Orthops spp. K - env. of Sernovodsk set., env. of lakes Lagunnoye and Nikisara, settlements of Tretyakovo and Golovnino, env. of Mendeleevo set., Golovnin Volcano, outside detection dates June 12-September 27, 6 males, 17 females in all, a number of collectors; Sh - Malokuril'sk set., June 21, 1968, 2 females, É. P. Narchuk; I - south coast, Pacific Ocean coast south of the Burevestnik set., Rybachiy set., env. of Goryachiye Klyuchi set., Lesozavodskiy Neck, outside detection dates June 23-July 31, 10 spec. in all, a number of collectors. The bugs are encountered quite often on herbaceous plants, more often on the carrot family. Two as yet unidentified species of the genus Orthops have been collected on the Kuril Range. In the opinion of I. M. Kerzhner, the identification of Orthops campestris L. cited by S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) requires checking. It is entirely probable that it will prove to be one of the species we have collected. *54. Irbisia sericans Stål. P - env. of Severo-Kurilsk, env. of settlements of Bangzhou and Shelekhovo, outside detection dates July 16-September 14, 96 spec. in all (males, females, larvae), in meadows, a number of collectors; Shu - western shore close to the Kozyrevsk set., July 29, 1964, 3 spec., meadow vegetation. Distinguished by well-marked sex dimorphism - females with shortened wings and wider body. Encountered only on the northern islands, where it is very numerous. The sole representative of the Beringian zoogeographical group, whose range encompasses the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Komandorskiye Islands, the Northern Kurils, and North America. *55. Eurystylus coelestialium Kirk. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 22-August 7, 1961-1962, 9 spec., collected on herbaceous plants and raspberry. Manchurian species. In addition to K, known in Primorskiy Kray, China, and Japan. *56. Creontiades tricolor Scott. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, env. of Mendeleevo set., outside detection dates July 27-September 3, 12 spec. in all, a number of collectors. Japanese-Kuril species; it had been known only from Japan, where it is encountered on mountains. On K lives in valley coniferous-broad-leafed and coniferous forests, located nearly at sea level. Listed for the first time for fauna of the USSR. *57. Adelphocoris quadripunctatus F. Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., Anama and Tsyboy bights, outside detection dates August 24-September 18, 15 spec. in all, on herbaceous plants, including the flowers of "Glehn" eupatorium/boneset (Eupatorium glehnii), a number of collectors; U - env. of Podgornyy set., August 22, 1963, 1 spec. Transpalearctic species, invading North China and the Korean Peninsula. Not listed for Japan. According to the testimony of S. A. Kulik (1965b), it is ubiquitously common in Eastern Siberia and the Far East; it lives in open places among large forest tracts, and feeds on nettle. *58. Adelphocoris variabilis Uhl. K - shore of Lake Kipyashcheye, August 2, 1961, 1 spec.; Alekhino set., August 4-10, 1968, 4 spec., some caught in ultraviolet light, G. S. Zolotarenko. Known in Japan. Belongs to the group of island endemics. 59. Adelphocoris suturalis Jak. K - env. of Alekhino set., shore of Lake Kipyashcheye, settlements of Sernovodsk and Golovnino, outside detection dates August 2- September 27, 19 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., Anama and Tsyboy bights, outside detection dates August 21-26, 4 spec., a number of collectors; Z - September 6, 1953, 1 spec., N. A. Violovich; U - env. of Podgornyy set., August 12, 1963, 1 spec. Encountered in moist areas on herbaceous plants. It is quite common on the Kuril Range. Belongs to the Manchurian zoogeographical group. Distributed, in addition to the Kurils, in the southern region of the Amur basin, in Primorskiy Kray, North China (according to the data of collections of the Zoological Institute), on the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). 60. Adelphocoris triannulatus Stål. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 2-12, 1963, 1965, 1968, 8 spec., G. O. Krivolutskaya, V. M. Ermolenko, G. S. Zolotarenko; Pacific Ocean shore close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., August 24, 1964, 1 spec.; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 21-24, 1963, 2 spec. Angaran species, known in southern areas of Eastern Siberia, in the Far East, China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Honshu, Kyushu). *61. Mermitelocerus annulipesprasinus Reut. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of Lake Peschanoye, env. of Sernovodsk set., Tretyakovo set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Pacific Ocean shore close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., outside collection dates June 6-August 24, about 80 spec. in all, on herbaceous plants - tall herbaceous vegetation and sow thistle, a number of collectors. It is common on K and numerous in places. The species has formed several close subspecies, of which M. annulipes prasinus Reut. is known on K and Sakhalin, another is encountered in the Japanese "Alps", and the nominative subspecies, on the continent (in Primorskiy and Khabarovskiy krays and North East China). Listing for the Korean Peninsula is erroneous. *62. Phytocoris nowickyi Fieb. Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 24, 1963, 2 spec. Transpalearctic species. Distributed in Europe, in the south of Krasnoyarskiy Kray, in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, on Sakhalin, and in Japan. It is known that it is associated with leafed forests. 63. Phytocoris ohataensis Lnv. (?). K - env. of Kosmodem'yansk set. (Pacific Ocean coast), August 26-31, 1964, 1 male, 1 female; Alekhino set., August 26-October 7, 1968, 1 male, 2 females, K. B. Gorodkov, the Dorokhovs. Ph. ohataensis Lnv. has been described in Japan. The Kuril specimens differ somewhat. 64. Capsodes gothicus graeseri Reut. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 2-August 8, 1961-1963, 7 spec., various collectors; Tretyakovo set., July 5, 1968, 1 male, É. P. Narchuk; Sernovodsk set., July 21-25, 1968, a large series on the carrot family, G. S. Zolotarenko; Sh - Malokurilsk, Cape Nepokorennyy, Snezhkov Bight (Kuwayama, 1967). An eastern, slightly delimited subspecies of the species which is widespread in the Palearctic, whose range includes Siberia, the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, and Sakhalin. The biology of the subspecies has not been studied; the species is associated with herbaceous plants. *65. Stenotus binotatus F. K - Alekhino set., August 13, 1965, 1 female, V. M. Ermolenko; Tretyakovo set., August 13, 1968, 2 females, M. N. Meyer. Transpalearctic species with a discontinuous range; has not thus far been found in the Amur basin or Primorskiy Kray. *66. Stenotus rubrovittatus Mats. K - Golovnino set., September 27, 1968, 1 male, K. B. Gorodkov. Manchurian species. Distributed in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, China, and Japan. 67. Erimiris tenuicornis Miy. et Has. K - Pacific Ocean coast: env. of Kosmodem'yansk set., August 23, 24, 1964, 2 spec., settlements of Grigoryevo and Yuzhno-Kurilsk (Kuwayama, 1967); Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 21, 1963, 1 spec.; Cape Kray Sveta, September 22, 1968, 2 spec., K. B. Gorodkov. An Island species belonging to the Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese subgroup. Described in Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido). 68. Stenodema calcaratum Fall. K - Alekhino set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, settlements of Tretyakovo and Golovnino, outside detection dates June 5-September 27, 16 spec. in all, imagines and a mass of larvae, a number of collectors; Sh - settlements of Krabozavodsk and Malokurilsk, September 15-18, 1968, 14 spec., bog, reed, K. B. Gorodkov. Transpalearctic species, distributed also on Sakhalin and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). 69. Trigonotylus ruficornis Geoffr. K - Alekhino set., August 13, 1965, 1 male, V. M. Ermolenko; I - Kurilsk (Kuwayama, 1967). Transpalearctic species, widespread in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) mentioned a finding of this species in North America erroneously. Close species of this genus are known there. *70. Teratocoris saundersi Dgl. Sc. P - env. of Severo-Kurilsk, August 17, 1963, 1 spec. Holarctic species, observed only in the north of the archipelago. Distributed mainly in the northern portion of the forest zone of the Palearctic and in North America. 71. Leptopterna dolabrata L. Sh - Malokuril'sk set., Cape Nepokorennyy, Snezhkov Bight (Kuwayama, 1967). We have not found it. Has a circumboreal distribution. The species range encompasses Europe, Siberia, Sakhalin, and North America; not listed for Japan. 72. Dolichomiris kuwayamai Miy. K - Goryachiy Plyazh set., August 15, 1940, 5 spec., S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). An island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species. Known only on Honshu in Japan. *73. Orthotylus emiliae Kerzh. K - Alekhino set., August 11, 1965, 1 male, V. M. Ermolenko. Sakhalin-Kuril species. 74. Cyrtorhinus caricis Fall. Z - N. A. Violovich; I - Kuybyshevo set. (Kuwayama, 1967). Transpalearctic species, whose range is insufficiently explored. Thus far known in Europe, Siberia, and on the Southern Kuril Islands. *75. Systellonotus malaisei Lindb. K - Alekhino set., 1967, V. I. Kuznetsov, E. M. Danzig. Manchurian species, distributed in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, and in the south of the Kuril Range. *76. Harpocera orientalis Kerzh. (in litt.). K - Alekhino set., 1967, V. I. Kuznetsov, E. M. Danzig. Representatives of the genus Harpocera are associated with the oak and have been known until recently only in Europe. H. orientalis Kerzh. is the only species of this genus found in the east. The break in the genus range coincides with a break in the range of the oak. This species may thus far be regarded as a Kuril endemic, although it cannot be excluded that it will be found at other sites. 77. Orthocephalus funestus Jak. K - Tretyakovo set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Sernovodsk set., valley of the Prozrachnyy stream (Pacific Ocean coast), env. of Cape Petrov, according to S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) - the Tyatya Volcano, Cape Gemerling, settlements of Grigoryevo and Yuzhno-Kurilsk, outside collection dates July 4-August 27, 27 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., foot and slopes of Shikotan Mountain, Tsyboy Bight, outside collection dates June 24-August 24, 23 males, 20 females, 4 larvae in all, a number of collectors; I - south shore, July 31, 1965, 1 male, 1 larva. Associated with herbaceous plants, mainly Compositae. Common in the southern part of the archipelago. Belongs to the Manchurian group. Species range encompasses the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, southern regions of Sakhalin and the Kuril Range, North East China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). *78. Psallus (Apocremnus) sp. K - Alekhino set., July 10, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. *79. Plagiognathus (Poliopterus) albipennis Fall. (?). Z - July 5-August 28, 2 spec., N. N. Filippov, N. G. Vasilyev; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., Tsyboy Bight, Cape Kray Sveta, southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, outside collection dates July 14-September 18, 20 spec. in all, a number of collectors. Observed only on the Malaya Kuril Range. Transpalearctic species, whose range has been insufficiently explored. *80. Plagiognathus (s. str.) lividus Reut. K - Pacific Ocean coast close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., August 27, 1964, 2 males, 1 female; Tretyakovo set., August 13, 1968, 1 male, 3 females, M. N. Meyer. Manchurian species, known in Primorskiy Kray, and also found in Amurskaya Oblast, Japan, and China. *81. Plagiognathus arbustorum Panz. K -
of Alekhino and Sernovodsk, env. of Kosmodem'yansk set., outside collection
dates August 3-29, 13 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh -
southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, Cape Kray Sveta, July 16-August 5,
1965, 3 spec., V. M. Ermolenko; Yu - seashore, August 20, 1968,
2 spec., N. G. Vasilyev; I - env. of settlements of Lesozavodsk
and Reydovoye, July 25-August 3, 1963, 3 spec.; U - env. of Podgornoye
set., August 12, 1963, 1 spec. Encountered quite frequently on the Kuril
Range. Lives on herbaceous plants. Holarctic species, common in the Far
East; also invades China.
*82. Tingis crispata H.-S. Sh - southern slope of Shikotan Mountain, August 5, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. Transpalearctic species. On wormwood. *83. Physatocheila orientis Drake.
K - Mendeleevo set.,
env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Alekhino set., outside collection dates June 3-July
25, 3 spec., various collectors; Sh - Malokuril'sk set., July 15-16,
2 spec., on Ermans birch, V. M. Ermolenko. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese
species, widespread in Japan.
*84. Rhynocoris leucospilus Stål. K - env. of settlements of Alekhino and Mendeleevo, env. of Lake Lagunnoye, shore of Lake Goryacheye, valley of the Lesnaya River, Tretyakovo set., outside collection dates June 12-August 28, 18 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - Malokuril'sk set., July 15, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. Stays together in forest biotopes, where it is quite common on herbaceous plants and woody species. Belongs to the Angaran zoogeographical group. Described in Irkutsk, distributed from the Altai and the Yenisei in the west throughout all of Eastern Siberia (to the north as far as Yakutsk), in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, on Sakhalin, and in the south of the Kuril Range; invades North East China, Northern Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula, and is widespread in Japan. *85. Velinoides dilatatus Mats. K - shore of
Kipyashcheye, August 2, 1961, 1 spec.; env. of Alekhino set., August 21,
1963, 1 spec., G. Sh. Lafer. Manchurian species, distributed from Transbaikalia
to the south and east up to the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, the Korean
Peninsula, and North East China (up to Szechwan).
*86. Aradus consentaneus Horv. K - env. of Goryachiy Plyazh set., June 23, 1946, 1 spec., N. N. Konakov; Tretyakovo set., July 6, 1968, 1 spec., É. P. Narchuk; Sh - Shikotan Mountain, June 10, 1946, 1 spec., N. N. Konakov; I - env. of Kurilsk, July 4, 1963, 1 spec. Belongs to the Manchurian group. Species range encompasses Primorskiy Kray, the Amur basin (within the limits of Amurskaya Oblast), Sakhalin, the Southern Kurils, and Japan. *87. Aradus melas Jak. K - Mendeleevo set., June 14, 1968, 1 male, É. P. Narchuk. Manchurian species. Known on K, Sakhalin, in Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy krays. Boundaries of range insufficiently studied. *88. Aradus pictellus Kerzh. K - env. of Mendeleevo set., July 8, 1968, 1 female, É. P. Narchuk. Species range studied insufficiently. Judging by findings (K, Primorskiy Kray), thus far assigned to the Ussuri-Island zoogeographical group. 89. Aneurus (s. str.) macrotylus Jak. K - env. of settlements of Alekhino, Yuzhno-Kurilsk, and Kosmodemyansk, foot of Tyatya Volcano, outside detection dates July 25-August 28, 4 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 26, 1963, 1 spec.; I - June 30, 1954, 3 imagines, 1 larva, N. A. Violovich. It is known that representatives of the genus live on leafed trees; almost all specimens collected on the archipelago from the trunks of coniferous varieties. Ussuri-Island species, distributed on the Southern Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, in Primorskiy Kray, and throughout Japan. *90. Aneurus insularis Kerzh. (in litt.). K - env. of settlements of Alekhino and Sernovodsk, July 4-30, 4 spec. in all, on trunks of elm and mountain ash. Described on K and thus far had not been found at other sites. At the present time may be regarded as an endemic of K . *91. Aneurus (Aneurillus) glaberrimus Kerzh. (in litt.).
- shore of Lake Goryacheye, August 2, 1961, 2 spec., from the trunk of
a "Maksimowich" alder; Kosmodem'yansk set., August 26, 1964, 2 spec., from
under the bark of a willow. Described on
K; may, as in the case
of the preceding species, turn out to be a Kuril endemic.
*92. Metatropis rufescens H.-S.
K - Tretyakovo set.,
July 5, 6, 1968, 3 spec., É. P. Narchuk; env. of Mendeleevo set.,
October 4, 1968, 1 spec., in a fir growth with fern, K. B. Gorodkov; Sh
- Cape Kray Sveta, July 26, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. Transpalearctic
species, distributed in Europe, Siberia, the Amur basin, and Primorskiy
*93. Lygaeus equestris L. K - Alekhino set., the Dorokhovs. Transpalearctic species. 94. Nysius spp. K - settlements of Alekhino, Tretyakovo, and Sernovodsk, outside collection dates August 3-13, 24 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., August 24-26, 1963, 3 spec.; August 3-28, 1968, 1 spec., N. G. Vasilyev; I - env. of Lesozavodsk set., July 19, 1963, 2 spec. S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967) cites Nysius expressus Dist. for the Kuril Range (K, I ). However, the Far Eastern species of this genus require revision. Two Nysius species are found in our materials, one of which will possibly turn out to be N. expressus Dist. *95. Cymus obliquus Horv. K - Sernovodsk set., June 8, 1968, 9 spec., É. P. Narchuk; Mendeleevo set., June 14, 1968, 2 spec., V. A. Rikhter. Transpalearctic species. *96. Kleidocerys resedae Panz. K - env. of Alekhino set., shores of lakes Goryacheye and Kipyashcheye. July 4-19, 1962, 5 spec. Holarctic species, is distributed ubiquitously in Siberia and in the Far East south of 52° N (Kulik, 1967b). Associated with various leafed trees and shrubs. *97. Dimorphopterus (thoracicus Jak.) (?). K - Tretyakovo set., June 12, 1968, 1 female, É. P. Narchuk. Probably an Ussuri-Island species, since similar specimens have still been found only in Primorskiy Kray. *98. Geocoris proteus Dist. K - Tretyakovo set., June 13, 1968, 4 spec., É. P. Narchuk. Distributed in Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku). 99. Pachybrachius luridus Hahn. K - Tretyakovo set., July 5, 1968, 1 male, 1 female, É. P. Narchuk; Cape Gemerling (Kuwayama, 1967). Has an amphipalearctic range, distributed in the forest zone of Europe; not found in Siberia, then appears again in the Amur basin; is quite common in Primorskiy Kray and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). *100. Stigmatonotum rufipes Motsch. K - Alekhino set., V. I. Kuznetsov, E. M. Danzig; Mendeleevo set., June 14, 1968, V. A. Rikhter. Manchurian species, distributed in Primorskiy Kray, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan. *101. Iodinus ferrugineus Lindb. Sh - Malokuril'sk set., July 15, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko. Species range has been studied insufficiently. Described in Primorskiy Kray, where it has been collected at several points, primarily in the south; also found in Japan. Assigned to the Ussuri-Island group. *102. Trichodrymus pameroides Lindb. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, outside collection dates July 4-27, 5 spec. in all; Sh - Tsyboy Bight, August 24, 1947, 1 spec., O. A. Skarlato. Manchurian species. Distributed in the south of Primorskiy Kray, known on the Korean Peninsula, in China, and Tibet. *103. Lamproplax piceus Flor. K - Tretyakovo set., June 12, 1968, 1 male, É. P. Narchuk. Transpalearctic species. Distributed in the forest zone of Europe, Siberia, in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, and in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. *104. Graptopeltus (Panaorus) japonicus
Stål. K
- env. of Alekhino set., Tretyakovo set., outside collection dates June
10-July 15, 6 spec. in all, a number of collectors. Observed only on the
western coast of K . Manchurian species, whose range encompasses
Southern Sakhalin, Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy krays, the Korean Peninsula,
Eastern China, and Japan.
*105. Rhopalus maculatus Fieb. K - env. of Alekhino
Tretyakovo set., outside collection dates June 12-July 13, 9 spec. in
all, a number of collectors. Transpalearctic species. Widespread in the
forest zone from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, including Primorskiy Kray,
China, and Japan.
106. Paraplesius unicolor Scott.
K - env. of Alekhino
set., July 15, 1962, 2 spec., on Kuril bamboo;
Sh - Malokuril'sk
set. (Kuwayama, 1967). Kuril-Japanese species, widespread throughout Japan
(Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).
*107. Urostylis annulicornis Scott.
K - Alekhino set.,
August 10, 1965, 1 male, 2 females, V. M. Ermolenko. Representative of
the fam. Urostylidae are associated with leafed varieties, mainly
oak, and are territorially restricted to the southeast Palearctic and Indo-Malaysian
region (Kerzhner, 1966). The species, found on K, is Manchurian.
Its range encompasses Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy krays, China, and all
of Japan.
*108. Macroscytus japonensis Scott.
K - env. of Alekhino
set., July 6, 1963, 1 spec., V. A. Nechaev. Manchurian species. Distributed
in the south of Primorskiy Kray (based on collections of the Zoological
Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences), in East China, on the Korean
Peninsula, and in Japan.
*109. Acanthosoma denticauda Jak. K - env. of Alekhino set., June 27-July 1, 1962, 2 spec. Lives in moist places on trees and shrubs. Belongs to the Angaran group. Species range passes along the south of Siberia in west, beginning from Altai, through all Eastern Siberia (south of 54° N), and Khabarovskiy Kray, up to Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, takes in Primorskiy Kray, and beyond the boundaries of the USSR, North China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan (Kulik, 1965a). *110. Acanthosoma expansum Horv. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, valley of the Prozrachnyy stream (Pacific Ocean coast), outside collection dates June 27-August 26, 6 spec. in all, a number of collectors. We have provisionally included it in the Manchurian group, but in fact it has a Sino-Japanese range (it goes up to Szechwan to the south). *111. Acanthosoma labiduroides Jak. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 13, 1962, 3 spec. Manchurian species. Distributed in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, East China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan. 112. Acanthosoma spinicolle Jak. (=frater Reut.). K - env. of Alekhino set., shore of Lake Kipyashcheye, env. of settlements of Sernovodsk and Kosmodemyansk, Tyatya Volcano, settlements of Mendeleevo and Goryachiy Plyazh, outside collection dates June 23-October 3, 17 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - valley of the Anama River, June 13, 1946, 1 spec., N. N. Konakov. It is known that it lives on trees and shrubs. On the islands it was collected almost exclusively on herbaceous plants, mainly on tall herbaceous vegetation. It is encountered frequently in the south of the Kuril Range and numerous in places. Assigned to the Angaran group. In the Far East, south of 51° N, and along the south of Siberia, it is ubiquitously common; to the west it reaches the Dzhungarskiy Alatau and the Zailiskiy Alatau. It is known out of the borders of the USSR in Mongolia, China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku). 113. Elasmostethus humeralis Jak. K - env. of settlements of Alekhino and Sernovodsk, env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Pacific Ocean coast close to the Kosmodem'yansk set., outside collection dates June 29-August 31, 23 spec. in all; Sh - Malokuril'sk set., June 15, 1965, 1 spec., V. M. Ermolenko; Cape Kray Sveta, September 22, 1968, 1 spec., K. B. Gorodkov. It is common on the Kuril Islands and numerous in places; it has been collected from "Maksimowich" alder, oak, and carrot family flowers. Food plants under island conditions have not been established precisely. A very close species, E. minor Horv. lives on honeysuckle (Lonicera) and mulberry (Ribes) in Europe and in the Caucasus. E. humeralis Jak. is characteristic for Manchurian fauna; it is encountered throughout the territory of Primorskiy Kray and in the southern regions of Khabarovskiy Kray, on Sakhalin, in East China, on the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Kerzhner, 1964a; Kulik, 1965a; Kuwayama, 1967). 114. Elasmostethus interstinctus L. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, Tyatya Volcano, outside collection dates July 2-October 7, 9 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., July 12-August 27, 3 spec. in all; I - env. of Kurilsk, Zolotoye set. (near Listvennichnoye Plateau), Lesozavodskiy Neck, June 30-August 5, 1963, 4 spec.; U - according to the data of S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). Common in the Kuril archipelago within the limits of the southern islands, but is encountered in fairly small numbers. Holarctic species, distributed in forest and forest-steppe zones of the Palearctic and in North America; also invades North East China and Japan (Hokkaido). *115. Elasmucha amurensis Kerzh. K - Alekhino set., shores of Lake Goryacheye, Tretyakovo set., outside detection dates June 13-August 13, 4 males, 4 females in all, a number of collectors; Sh - env. of Malokuril'sk set., June 24, 1968, 3 males, 2 females, É. P. Narchuk; September 21, 1968, 1 male, K. B. Gorodkov; Shikotan Mountain (400 m above sea level), June 10, 1946, 1 male, N. N. Konakov; I - Lesozavodsk set., July 20, 1963, 1 female, G. O. Krivolutskaya. Collected in some places from alder. Common on the southern islands, but in small numbers. Manchurian species, known in the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray, on the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin, and the Southern Kurils. Apparently ought be encountered in Japan as well (Kerzhner, 1972b). 116. Elasmucha fieberi Jak. K - env. of Alekhino set., env. of lakes Peschanoye and Lagunnoye, env. of Sernovodsk set., Mendeleevo set., outside collection dates June 3-August 28, 14 spec. in all, a number of collectors; I - Pacific Ocean coast south of the Burevestnik set., August 28, 1961, 1 spec., G. O. Krivolutskaya; Kurilsk, S. Kuwayama (Kuwayama, 1967). Transpalearctic species, whose range extends from Europe to Kamchatka; in the south it takes in North East China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). *117. Elasmucha signoreti Scott. K - env. of Alekhino set., July 10, 1962, 3 spec.; env. of Sernovodsk set., June 23, 1962, 1 spec. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese endemic, more widespread in Japan. The very close species E. ferrugata F is a vicariant of it on the continent. *118. Elasmucha dorsalis Jak. K
- env. of settlements
of Alekhino and Sernovodsk, Tretyakovo set., env. of Lake Lagunnoye, env.
of Goryachiy Plyazh set., Golovnino set., outside collection dates June
13-September 27, about 140 spec. in all, a number of collectors; Sh
Malokuril'sk set., July 11-15, 1965, 8 spec., V. M. Ermolenko; U
Kayso Mountain (600 m above sea level), July 25, 1946, 1 spec., N. N. Konakov.
It is encountered in large numbers in places on the Kuril Range. Assigned
to the Angaran group. The species range, as in the majority of the representatives
of this group, encompasses Southern Siberia (to the east of Altai), the
Tuva ASSR, Transbaikalia, the Buryat ASSR, the Amur basin, Primorskiy Kray,
Sakhalin, North China, and Japan (infrequently). On the continent it lives
in mixed forests, on small shrubs. It has been collected on the archipelago
mainly from tall herbaceous vegetation and the "Sakhalin" cherry.
*119. Graphosoma rubrolineatum Westw. K - env. of Alekhino set., August 5, 1962, 3 spec., sea shore, on carrot family. Manchurian species, common in Amurskaya Oblast, Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy krays, on the Korean Peninsula, in China, and Japan (Kulik, 1965a). 120. Eysarcoris lewisi Scott. K - env. of Alekhino set., June 29-August 8, 2 spec., G. O. Krivolutskaya, V. M. Ermolenko; Tretyakovo set., June 12, 13, 1968, 3 spec., É. P. Narchuk; Golovnino set., September 27, 1968, 3 spec., K. B. Gorodkov. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese endemic. Is replaced on the continent by a vicariant species Ey. aeneus Scop. 121. Carbula humerigera Uhl. K - env. of Alekhino set., shores of lakes Kipyashcheye and Goryacheye, env. of lakes Lagunnoye and Peschanoye, env. of settlements of Sernovodsk and Mendeleevo, Pacific Ocean coast near the Kosmodem'yansk set., outside collection dates June 27-August 24, 59 spec. in all. Of all the bugs noted on the Kuril Range, this is the most numerous. It has collected on various herbaceous and woody plants, "robust" cacalia, nettle, "Sakhalin" raspberry, "Maksimowich" alder, "Sakhalin" cherry, and shallow-cup Mongolian oak, on the which, evidently, adult individuals and larvae feed. The adults are encountered starting in June to the middle of August, the larvae in June and July. An Island, specifically Sakhalin-Kuril-Japanese species, absent on the continent. 122. Dolycoris baccarum L. - the "berry" bug. K - Golovnino set., September 27, 1968, 2 spec., K. B. Gorodkov; Yuzhno-Kurilsk set. (Kuwayama, 1967); I - env. of Kurilsk, August 18, 1961, 4 spec., in oak growth. Holarctic species, common in the forest zone of the Palearctic, from Europe to Japan; also invades China and the Korean Peninsula. According to Kuliks data (1965a), does not penetrate further north than 60° N, and is rare in the northern part of the range. 123. Palomena angulosa Motsch. K - env. of settlements of Goryachiy Plyazh and Alekhino, Tretyakovo set., Pacific Ocean coast near the Kosmodem'yansk set., outside collection dates July 26-August 29, 12 spec. in all, a number of collectors. Manchurian species, distributed in Primorskiy and Khabarovskiy krays, reaches the Jewish Autonomous Oblast to the west; it is known beyond the boundaries of the USSR in East China, on the Korean Peninsula, and in Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). Lives in mixed forests on various woody species. 124. Eurydema rugosa Motsch. K - env. of settlements of Alekhino and Sernovodsk, Tyatya Volcano (Kuwayama, 1967), outside collection dates June 23-August 2, 6 spec. in all, on grass and on ash bark. An Island species, known on K, Southern Sakhalin, throughout Japan, and on the Korean Peninsula. *125. Pentatoma rufipes L. K - env. of Goryachiy Plyazh set., July 26, 1961, 1 spec.; env. of Lake Lagunnoye, July 27, 1961, 1 spec., Mendeleev Volcano, October 7, 1968, 1 spec., at an altitude of 500-700 m, in a stand of Ermans birch, K. B. Gorodkov. Associated with oak and other leafed trees. Belongs to the transpalearctic group. *126. Dinorhynchus dybowskii Jak. K - area between the settlements of Sernovodsk and Alekhino, August 27, 1963, 1 spec., G. Sh. Lafer. Manchurian species, distributed in Primorskiy Kray, where it is quite common, on the Korean Peninsula, in North East China, and Japan. *127. Picromerus bidens L. K - Alekhino set., August 21, 1963, 1 female, G. Sh. Lafer; env. of Lake Lagunnoye, July 12, 1954, 1 spec., N. A. Violovich. Transpalearctic species. *128. Arma custos F. K - env. of Lake Goryacheye, July 17, 1962, 1 spec. Predator which feeds on the larvae of leaf-cutting beetles, psyllae, and aphids (Kulik, 1965a); lives on trees. Assigned to the transpalearctic group. |
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