Graduate student, Ph.D Program, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences,
Box 355100, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
M.S. (Marine Biology) University of Charleston, S.C., 1996
B.A. (Biology) Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA, 1993
Research Assistant, University of Washington, June 1997-present
Research Assistant, South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources,
June 1994-September 1996
Teaching Assistant, College of Charleston, General Biology,
September 1993-June 1994
Resource Assistant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai, Alaska,
May 1993-August 1993
Teaching Assistant, Wash. & Jeff. College, Introductory Botany,
February 1993-May 1993
International Kuril Islands Project (IKIP): biotic survey and
inventory of the Kuril Islands, 1997-9
Belize, Central America: four sampling expeditions to
collect samples of large grouper species for DNA analysis, 1994-1996
R/V Palmetto: two sampling cruises to collect data for
the South Carolina MARMAP program, 1994-1996
Tuluksak River, Alaska: field camp established for the collection
of run timing and life history data from Pacific salmon, 1993
Stevenson, D. E., R. W. Chapman, and G. R. Sedberry. 1999.
Stock identification in Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, using
microsatellite DNA analysis. Proc. Gulf. Carib. Fish. Inst., 50:
Stevenson, D. E. 2000. Discovery of the holotype of Chaenogobius
annularis Gill (Perciformes: Gobiidae) and its taxonomic
consequences. Copeia, 2000: 835-840.
Pietsch, T. W., K. Amaoka, D. E. Stevenson, E. L. MacDonald, B. K.
Urbain, and J. A. López. Accepted. Freshwater fishes of the Kuril
Islands and adjacent regions. Species Diversity, 52 ms. pp., 2
figs., 1 table.
Stevenson, D. E. In preparation. A complete revision of the Asian
gobiid genera Gymnogobius Gill and Chaenogobius Gill
(Teleostei: Perciformes).