Research Associate, Department of Entomology, NHB stop 105, National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Isntitution, Washington D.C.,
20560, USA.
B.S. Biology, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, 1989.
M.A., Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1993.
Ph.D., Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996.
Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory of Ecology of Social Insects, Ecological
Center, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, 1987-1990.
Biology Teacher, Colegio Oxford, Mexico City, 1988-1989
Head Teaching Fellow in Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 1991-1995.
Graduate Curatorial Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Entomology
Department, Harvard University, 1992-1996.
American Association of University Women; Asociaci¢n Mexicana de
Entomologia; Association of Women in Science; Cambridge Entomological
Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Entomological Society of America;
International Society of Hymenopterists; International Union for the
Study of Social Insects;
Sigma Xi; Willi Hennig Society.
Extensive research and field work in over 30 countries in North, Central,
and South America, and Europe; central and northern Kuril Islands, 1996.
Since 1990, six scientific publications on the taxonomy and distribution
of bumble bees.
Five publications most relevant to the present project:
- Chavarria, G. 1994. Phoresy on a Neotropical bumble bee
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) by Anterophagus (Coleoptera:
Cryptophagidae). Psyche, 101(1-2):109-111.
- Chavarria, G. 1994. First Neotropical mutualistic association in
bumble bee nests. Psyche, 101(1-2):113-118.
- Chavarria, G. 1995. Notes on Bombus pullatus (Hymenoptera:
Apidae) and their inquiline Acromyrmex octospinosis (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae). Jour. Kansas Ent. Soc., 17(3):43-60.
- Chavarria, G., and J. M. Carpenter. 1995. Total evidence and the
evolution of highly social bees. Cladistics, 10(3):229-258.
- Chavarria, G. 1996. Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical bumble
bee genus Bombus. Thomas Say Publications, Entomological Society
of America.