A computerized
inventory of existing Kuril plants and animals in Russian collections
will be made available to specialists around the world by way of a
network search facility such as Gopher or the World Wide Web (see "Data Acquisition and Dissemination of
Information."). In the same way, partial
inventories of all plants and animals collected on the Kurils will be
made available following the termination of each field season, and a full
inventory will be made available following the termination of the grant.
Participating scientists from all three nations, in close collaboration
with students in the program, will prepare a series of pertinent
publications: keys, guides, and annotated checklists of the flora and
fauna of the southern Kuril Islands. The specimens collected, while adding
enormously to the systematic collections of the participating
institutions, will be made available for more detailed study to project
participants as well as to qualified specialists outside of the program.
A diverse array of systematic, zoogeographic, and ecological studies will