By Duane E. Stevenson
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
University of Washington, Box 355100, Seattle, Washington 98195-5100, USA
The Kuril Archipelago represents the central portion of the Kuril-Kamchatka
Island Arc formation, which includes eastern Hokkaido, the Kuril Islands,
and southern Kamchatka. It is composed of two main ridges: the Lesser Kuril
Ridge and the Greater Kuril Ridge. The Lesser Kuril Ridge includes the Nemuro
Peninsula of eastern Hokkaido, the Habomai Island group, and Shikotan, and
continues to the northeast as the submarine Vityaz Ridge. The Greater Kuril
Ridge includes the Shiretoko Peninsula of eastern Hokkaido, all of the remaining
Kuril Islands, from Kunashir north to Shumshu, and the southern tip of the
Kamchatkan Peninsula.
The formation of the Kuril Archipelago began in the late Cretaceous (approximately
90 million years before present) when the Okhotsk Terrane of the Kula Plate
collided with the Siberian continent (Kimura and Tamaki, 1985) creating
a subduction zone along the southeast margin of the Okhotsk Terrane. This
subduction zone initiated the formation of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and
the subsequent volcanism that created the Academy of Sciences Rise (now
located in the central Sea of Okhotsk) and the Lesser Kuril Ridge. Volcanic
activity and uplift in the region of the Lesser Kuril Ridge intensified
during the Paleocene and Eocene as the Kula-Pacific Ridge was subducted
into the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, and it was probably during this period
that the Lesser Kuril Ridge emerged from the sea (Kimura and Tamaki, 1985).
After the subduction of the Kula-Pacific Ridge, a volcanic hiatus ensued,
and there is no evidence of further volcanic activity in the Lesser Kuril
Ridge. During the hiatus of the late Eocene and Oligocene, the Okhotsk Plate
was subsiding, and there is evidence that the Lesser Kuril Ridge may have
been submerged during part of this period (Kimura and Tamaki, 1985).
Late in the Oligocene (approximately 30 million years before present) the
Okhotsk Terrane began to rotate clockwise and the back-arc basin that now
forms the southern Sea of Okhotsk began to open to the west of the Kuril
Arc. Volcanic activity resumed near the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench during this
period, but was concentrated in the location of what is now the Greater
Kuril Ridge. Consequently the oldest rocks in the main arc of the Kuril
Islands are of late Oligocene and early Miocene age (Markhinin, 1968; Markov
and Khotin, 1973; Savostin et al., 1983). The back-arc basin was
fully formed by the middle Miocene (Kimura and Tamaki, 1985). Although this
period marks the beginning of the formation of the primary chain of the
present-day Kuril Islands, sediment records indicate that they probably
did not emerge above the sea surface until the early Pliocene (Kimura and
Tamaki, 1985). During the past 10 million years, the Greater Kuril Ridge
has experienced intense volcanic activity and crustal uplift (Markhinin,
1968; Yakushko and Nikonov, 1983; Gnibidenko, 1985). Although most of the
islands along this ridge have not been studied closely, there is good evidence
that the southern Kuril Islands (Kunashir and Iturup) emerged from the sea
during the Pliocene or early Pleistocene and have been above sea level ever
since (Bulgakov, 1996). Some of the smaller islands, such as Atlasova, have
been formed by recent volcanic activity and are therefore quite young (Melekestsev
et al., 1990).
Another major event in the geologic evolution of the Kuril Archipelago was
the decoupling and subsequent southwestward migration of the Kuril Plate,
which is located between the Greater Kuril Ridge and the Kuril-Kamchatka
Trench. This decoupling was the result of stresses produced by the oblique
subduction of the Pacific Plate in the southern region of the Archipelago
(Kimura and Tamaki, 1985; Kimura, 1986). Although the timing of the initial
decoupling is uncertain, the southwestern migration of this plate culminated
in the collision of the Lesser Kuril Ridge with the Eurasian plate in the
late Miocene (Kimura and Tamaki, 1985; Kimura, 1986; Bazhenov and Burtman,
1994). This collision formed the Hidaka Mountains of Hokkaido and established
the present-day location of the Lesser Kuril Islands.
During the Late Pleistocene there were at least two major sea-level regressions
associated with glacio-eustatic changes in this region (Leont'yev, 1970;
Briggs, 1974; Korotkii, 1985). There is some disagreement about how much
the sea level dropped during these periods, but most estimates suggest that
both regressions were on the order of 100 m below present sea level (Leont'yev,
1970; Matthews, 1984; Korotkii, 1985), and possibly 200 to 300 m below present
sea level (Briggs, 1974). Although deep trenches separate many of the Kuril
Islands, those nearest to the northern and southern end of the Archipelago
are relatively shallow. Hokkaido, Kunashir, Shikotan, and the Habomai Island
group are presently separated by straits far less than 100 m deep, as are
Kamchatka, Shumshu, and Paramushir. Depths of no greater than 230 m separate
Iturup and Kunashir. Therefore, it is highly likely that these southernmost
and northernmost islands were connected with each other and to nearby Hokkaido
and Kamchatka, respectively, during the sea-level minima of the Late Pleistocene.
Additionally, Hokkaido would have been connected to Sakhalin and to the
mainland during these periods (Kryvolutskaya, 1973). Because the last of
these major sea-level regressions occurred 10,000-30,000 years ago, these
islands have probably not been completely isolated for very long. Glaciers
covered the northern and central islands during the glacial maxima of the
Pleistocene, but probably did not extend any further south than central
Iturup, as there are no traces of glaciation on Kunashir or in the Lesser
Kuril Islands (Kryvolutskaya, 1973).
In summary, the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge were formed during the
Late Cretaceous and Paleocene, while the islands of the Greater Kuril Ridge
began to form during the Late Oligocene and Miocene. The volcanic activity
that gave rise to the Lesser Kuril Ridge ceased during the Eocene, although
the elevation of these islands continues to change due to eustatic crustal
movements. The volcanic activity that gave rise to the Greater Kuril Ridge
is still in progress, and the elevation of these islands continues to change
with new eruptions and eustatic crustal movements. There is evidence that
the Lesser Kuril Ridge emerged from the sea during the Paleocene or Eocene,
but that it has been submerged one or more times since then. The Greater
Kuril Ridge emerged during the early Pliocene. Some of the Kuril Islands
have been above sea level since that time, while others have been formed
by more recent volcanic activity. During the glacial sea-level regressions
of the Late Pleistocene, Kunashir, the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge,
and perhaps Iturup were connected to each other and to Hokkaido; and at
the northern end, Shumshu and Paramushir were connected to each other and
to the Kamchatka Peninsula. At the time of these regressions, glaciers covered
most of the islands of the Archipelago, advancing as far south as central
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