Family EmbiotocidaeSurfperches![]() Selected Characters: Continuous dorsal fin with spinous and soft-rayed portions; 3 spines in anal fin; caudal fin forked; lateral line present; usually brightly colored. This is a northern Pacific family whose members are found in coastal areas and occasionally in freshwater. The maximum length is about 45 cm, and some species are harvested commercially. Fertilization is internal and the embryos may be nourished by attachment to maternal tissue. The mother can carry up to about 40 embryos at once, though most litters have 3-10 offspring. The young emerge looking like small adults and can be more than half their mother's body size when they are born. Surfperches often form schools or loose aggregations and generally feed on invertebrates. This family is common in Puget Sound. Puget Sound Species Brachyistius frenatus Kelp Surfperch Cymatogaster aggregata Shiner Surfperch Damalichthys vacca Pile Surfperch Embiotoca lateralis Striped Surfperch Hyperprosopon ellipticum Silver Surfperch Phanerodon furcatus White Surfperch |